Police - Securing Public Areas

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England, Norfolk
If I were to ask you which area has the most gunfights your answer would probably be Bazaar one of the most public places of them all. Due to this the police are under heavy strain and tends to get crowded and attacked leading to a mess of both police and Civilians while the Dispatcher watching seeks mental Advice.

Keeping your cool and controling the crowd is key to securing these areas.

You are arriving on scene and you are not sure what is going on your best bet if it is a firefight is to not go in sirens blazing and alert them you should scout the area then any units moving in should park out of view why? Because if you alert them they can run, Store their guns or just fire at you.

Once you are all in position try to get any civilians out of the area but watch who you move gangs tend to have lookouts or members who can hide in the crowd and they are mostly armed. You must always be mindful of your surroundings nothing is stopping someone from shooting you. One of the best ways is try search anyone on scene to identify who is or who is not a threat.

As a police officer you protect and serve the public and their safety is your first concern you need to clear them out if their lives are under threat. There are so many owned stores and while they are a safe place they have a back door and storage so sending unchecked civilians into them can be a bad idea.

During A raid make sure no civilians interfer and always have someone watch your back because there can be lookouts or their backup hiding in the crowd. You should disarm the suspects ASAP every shot has the potential to hit a bystander or trigger panic so end a raid soon as possible and co-ordinate well.

Transporting a prisoner on foot including those in big orgs is very risky having an escort or formation can help very well but you still have to travel to the PD so get an escort. For example while transporting someone I was ambushed twice it was very lucky that I was heading back with the SWAT.

So the Moral of this story its okay to be paranoid and always have someone watching your back because it can escalate and the death toll can rise very fast.
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