Poseidon Lottery.

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That place.
Posiedon Inc2.PNG
Who are we?
We are the Paralake branch of Poseidon Inc™. formed in 1956 by Salvatore Guenzette, father of Paulie Guenzette. Poseidon Inc™. started as a family-owned fishery™ in Sicily. The business slowly expanded in Sicily then Italy, which allowed the family to spread its operations around the world, the influence of the fishery™ is specifically seen in the Colombian fish™ market and other Latin-American countries. This expansion made it necessary for the family to turn its business from family-owned to an Incorporation.

A lottery?
Indeed, you read the title right. This page is about the lottery more than it is the Inc. We are proud to have officially set foot into the United States and that we found no city as welcoming and suitable as Paralake City to initiate our operations!! Therefore, we marvelously announce and introduce ourselves by a lottery! A lottery unique to itself and a lottery that is the first of its kind! This lottery is meant to be a gift from us to you people of Paralake. So we invite you to join our lottery by fishing! you heard right! fishing is your ticket into our lottery, no need for cash or any electronic transaction, all you need to do is go check your freezer for any fish™. If you don't have any fish™ there, don't worry!! just go grab a fishing rod™ and start fishing™! For you have been blessed with a stunningly monumental lake that is generous with its givings! so go fish™!.

Gone Fishing™.

In order to join the lottery be sure to contact our representative Paulie Guenzette(409-1160) who will gladly and heartwarmingly meet you. From there drop your catch to him which must be 15 fishes™ of any kind and sorts. Then select 4 numbers ranging from 1-24. Finally, wait until the fish comes out(Results).
Bravissimo! you have earned your keep(Google forms)!
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The Aquarium(Prize Pool)

Size: 80,000$

Fish distribution(Prizes)

Four Fishes Matched: 80,000$

Three Fishes Matched: 50,000$
Two Fishes Matched: 25,000$

One Fish Matched: 15,000$

Note: Numerous victors share]ing a certain prize pool will result in the dividing said prize pool.