Possible FPS Fix (Replacing Awesomium) - Bringing back the old feel and look of Garry's Mod

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
The OP of the FacePunch thread no longer updates this (read his post why on the thread), here is an updated version by somebody else, still the same link https://github.com/Leystryku/die_awesomium

Hello lads,

I stumbled upon this FacePunch thread that should fix your FPS in Garry's Mod/PERP by quite a bunch (read the thread if you are confused what this does). I have tried this out for myself but with rather small success due to some model problems, I had flickering clothes, colored wheels, LOD spazzing and pink squad cars.

However, @Bolli didn't have any of these problems (except for some orange looking ambient light, color correction is not the case here http://puu.sh/kkqG7/dfbe4f0c23.jpg) and the fix actually did quite help him out. I also noticed an FPS improvement, 30FPS at city hall, 43 at the XQ-Bank with r_3dsky 0 and r_shadows 0. I will try to fix this on later on my system but for now the main question is: How does it work on your Garry's Mod and are there any problems? if so then please post a reply at the bottom as this can be quite useful not just for me but for others aswell.

Download it here at GitHub

Installation should be simple, just extract all content's in the Awesomium folder found in the zip in your Garry's Mod Folder (the one where your bin is located), same goes with the Textures folder. Confused? watch this video.


If you get this message after installing and starting Garry's Mod then simply download the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (x86/32 Bit version!) and start up Garry's Mod after installing that again, it should re download some of the base files which means you have to reinstall the .zip.
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Use this with mine and then Ayjays and your computer will take off. Garauntee if you use both you will get 50fps if you don't then its time to throw that piece of shit in the bin. My 2002 laptop is better.
The problems you got is exactly what happens when you do mat_queue_mode 2. changing the mat_queue_mode to 2/3 gives you a pretty dank fps boost. however set it to 2 and shit flickers.
Fix? mat_queue_mode 3. Try that in console, it fixes flickering clothes but changes evreything to white color clothing. i binded them so i can change quickly if i need it for rp(doenst lagg)
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