Post your "most collected" items

Reaction score
IKEA - Northern Europe
This thread is made in-order for you to upload your most collected items in your storage here is mine that I got from Evocity muggings;
I also have one on me.
31 bats. Some of them were in Evocity. Selling them for a good price huehue
I have 42 baseball bats because when I started doing my firearms level I thought that bats was the only way to do it lol. Partly collected from baseball bat fights with Harry and Aaron.
Watermelons, got quite a few. Gonna try and take the whole servers so it becomes really rare and then sell em for fuck tons
I had 71 Baseball bats but I kept hitting people with them then died and lost like 30 of them.
I had 117 Pistol Ammo, because Nasul left and gave me his. It was amazing.
Cruisin downtown with Mac11 and spraying the hell out ofem. :kappa:

Before I got banned, I had tons of shit, but I wasn't allowed to give it away.
The highest right now is 678 cocaine jk it is 35 flashlights I could never have so much coke
I dunno actually cocain i guess. About 80 cocain, but seriously guys rememeber to inhale meth its good4u