Power abuse by Police

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Your in-game name:


Steam ID:

- STEAM_0:0:53946957

What do you need refunded:

- 134 Marijuana, 27 Cannabis seeds (BounZ: STEAM_0:0:29137886)
- Large pots, 10 Cannabis Seeds (Razorbean: STEAM_0:0:53946957)

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:

- When I was exiting my vehicle in my garage, there was a mishap where my friend closed the garage door as the car was right under it, causing the car to shark and kill me. As I was dead I had my friends call for police because no paramedics were on atm. When the police arrived they didn't ask anyone for an explaination as to what had gone down and went ahead and cuffed my friends and searched them(took all the drugs mentioned above) and gave no explaination as to why they proceeded with slamming the doors in my house searching through and taking all they found. This would be unargueable behaviour from the police if they had any reason for being suspicious. Which they didn't, but since they refused to listen to the fact that the death was caused by accident they just ransacked the place for no reason.


- None, I was dead. No SCs.

One of your friends failed to cooperate with us, closing the door and running off when we told him to open, so we raided him, I’d also like to mention that BounZ disconnected while being arrested in the sit.
When this was purely an accident due to something completely unrelated to the RP-side of things, there is still no proof of why he must then feel obliged to open up any door for any one, including police when they request him to without showing a search warrant nor confirming why police feel the need to search through anything. Keep in mind this all surfaced with us needing a paramedic to revive me. Not for the police to show up to raid anyone when being told very clearly by my 2nd friend that this, again, was all an accident. If anyone feels the need of deeper elaboration in this case(which seems incredibly uneeded at this point), please let us do so in voice.


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