Prepper: Resign - (Moderator)

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After a long period of inactivity I've decided to voluntarily resign as moderator on Perpheads.
The reason for this is because I'm too busy with high school. I've also been too busy attending to Red Cross (First Aid) duties and furthermore - National guard exercises.

Once I became staff member (My enforcer application was accepted the 22nd of February 2014), I was excited about being able to help fellow roleplayers in the endless battle against minges/rulebreakers. I quickly found out that I enjoyed it alot and shortly after I turned 18 years old my moderator application was accepted. (15th of April 2014). Now as I was receiving reports I found out how stressful it was - But I found it amusing and interesting to deal with them.

The disadvantage of becoming moderator was that I felt like I never had time to get involved in RP situations without being interrupted by someone about something OOC-related since most people often recognized my IC-name 'Jeppe Dixon'. Roleplaying was never the same.

The time I've had on Perpheads as moderator has given me alot of awesome experiences. I'd like to thank you all for the effort you put into the server every day. I won't officially leave the server but I'm rather considering to take a break so that I can focus on more important stuff (IRL).

At last I'd like to thank those who had faith in me and therefore gave me the chance/opportunity to become staff member in the first place.

See you on the server!
- Prepper (Jeppe Dixon).
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Thank you for serving and your help! Much luck in the future and stay in the Red-Cross, always good to be part in some sort of these Organisations. I moved it to the Enforcer section so the whole staff team knows.
Man you're old school in my eyes!
I hope you will play with us from time to time :)

Take care man, and see you around.
We may have got off the wrong foot, but when I got to know you better; you turned out to be a really safe guy. Good luck with your studies and hope to see you come on on the holidays!
Good bye, hope you have a good time where every you are, Good luck in hightschool

Noah Smith
When I first met you, you banned me for 1.1 - I then joined the staff team and we later begun being friends, you're such a nice guy and was a pleasure to work with.

<3 rip in prepper.
Prepper, I never really talked to you often but we did have some convos here and there. So pretty much I wish the best of luck to you in the future. You were a cool guy. Also good luck with the Red Cross stuff.
I cri everi tiem I read your comments - Much appreciated! Without most of you guys it wouldn't have been the same at all. Hope to see you on the server as well but for now I'll be more inactive than usual. ;)
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