Your kind words are much appreciated :* Thank you! It always feels great to be acknowledged
I first joined the community back in November 2013. I was seeking a community which would temporarily aid my English skills so I would get better grades in school. I was soon to become
Enforcer and then
Moderator before I resigned due to IRL related duties (
volunteer activities as soldier/combat medic in the Danish Army Home Guard and first aider in Danish Red Cross and school itself). Furthermore, I fell in love with the whole concept of PERP Serious Roleplay and I've managed to keep a clean record (so far

I graduated from high school with an A in oral as well as written English - Mission accomplished! However, I got "addicted" to the community and I decided to stick around. I've recently been inactive due to my new job as handicap helper (Prepper4Helper)!
On the 1st of August 2016 I'll serve my country through "national service / værnepligt" in DEMA (Danish Emergency Management Agency) as firefighter/rescue specialist for 9 months. I'm currently 19, shortly before the beginning of national service I turn 20 and I turn 21 by the end of the national service. In Denmark it's a requirement that you've turned 21 by the day you apply to become ambulance driver (EMT) which is my biggest
dream - If I get hired by either Falck, BIOS or another prehospital ambulance company my plan is to go through further training so I will eventually become a paramedic.
My point is: Thanks for the recommendation and encouragement to rejoin the staff of PERPHeads, but due to my current situation I don't feel like I can be active enough (both short- as well as long term).
DEMA (Danish Emergency Management Agency):