Server Suggestion Price balancing for pistol flash light.

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Suggestion Title: Price balancing for pistol flash light.
Suggestion Description: Remove the need for 50% pure refined metal in the pistol flashlight, bringing its price down to $1950, instead of $3400. Currently, the pistol flashlight, despite having little usage outside of being aestetic, costs more alone than attachments with more use and functionality, such as Pistol suppressors, magazine, and most pistol oriented sights.

Rifle flashlight could be altered too, however makes a little more sense to be expensive as it is attached to rifles. My concern is the pistol flashlight.

In terms of selling it on a pistol, it essentially doubles the price, making it a much harder item to sell. At this price point few people really see a need for it. For what it does, it is so heavily priced. I don’t think I’ve seen pistols with flashlights for sale since the update, as it hikes the price far beyond its functionality. Taking into account that someone crafting it with intentions on selling it is also having to throw in labour costs and profit, as well as taxes.

Pistols that take the light on average sell for $5500-$6500 on average, and their crafting prices usually sit between $3900 and $5000. Throwing in a $3400 light atop off that, and accounting for profit margin for the light, which would alone on average be $4000, the final price of the pistol with just a mag and a light would be around $9000-$10000 in the average bazaar vendor, a lot of money for a pistol with a light.

Weapon lights are also one of the cheapest attachments for a firearm you can acquire IRL.

Why should this be added?:
- makes the item more desirable to use.
- Bazaar owners can sell pistols with them attached without losing sales by doubling its value, making them more desirable.
- People can use them more freely, as currently having one on your pistol to do a raid with is silly as you essentially double the value of your pistol for little benefit.

What negatives could this have?:
- People who crafted them lose inventory value.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: The pistol flashlight is the most expensive attachment for most pistols. It is more expensive than the Rifle red dot even.

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