[Promotion] Assistant Chief of Department AyJay


Reaction score


Forum Name: @AyJay
Rank: Captain
Promoted Rank: Assistant Chief of Department

After 2 separate advertisements for the Assistant Chief of Department role, we had a total of 21 applicants. It was extremely difficult coming to a conclusion on who to give it to. After careful consideration and a lot of checks carried out, the Chiefs of Department have decided to promote Ayjay to Assistant Chief of Department.

Ayjay rejoined the PLPD in February this year, tasked with the formation of the Road Traffic Unit (RTU) - an idea formed entirely on his own initiative. Since his appointment, he has worked insurmountably hard, reflected by the fact that RTU went from nothing to a fully fledged primary division in a matter of weeks. Once RTU was fully implemented and running smoothly, on 25/05/2017 Ayjay took up the Commanding Officer of Support Services role. Throughout his service he’s proven his competence greatly - working effectively both as a leader and as part of a team - and through making a lot of excellent changes within the Police Academy, Information Technology team and People Services. We welcome AyJay to the team, and we look forward to him sharing his experience and knowledge to assist the general running of the Police Department.

Without a doubt this is an amazing idea. Ayjay is always willing to help with even the smallest problems and has helped me progress so much with my policing abilities. I fully back this idea!
I think this is an excellent choice, when I worked under Ayjay as lieutenant from Academy I felt that I can go to AyJay for anything and he would do his best to support you with your needs, I'm happy that he's been given the opportunity to take on this role as I believe and I'm sure everyone wold agree that he is best suited towards it.
Best of luck Ayjay, you'll do well I'm sure