Promotions and Observation Reports in PLPD!

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Hi everyone!
Today I decided to give you some tips, along with explaining how to have the best chances to get a promotion in PLPD. I also explained what an OR is, and how to improve your skills basing on what was written in an OR. Feel free to watch it, and leave some feedback, and maybe another topic you want me to cover in a similar video!

if you just want to know how to get promoted:

1. Change your in-game last name to Ficklestein to influence command teams positively in your favor via associative bias.
2. Don't ask a supervisor to patrol with you the moment they get on duty, or at all, rather notice they went on duty, go with your car near the PD and stalk them in your car until they inevitably park at either Bazaar or Casino. This way you are much less likely to be rejected.
3. Start a friendly chat with the supervisor at casino or bazaar and ask if they want to patrol together when they are either just done interacting with a friend or winning something at a casino wheel, but do not mention any need for an observation report.
4. Now that you have secured an observation report patrol even if you are clueless about most things about pd roleplay, all you need to do is assign yourself to his unit and used text based radio to signify your unit is responding somewhere when incidents arise. Then proceed to on each incident let others know via text based and via voice to your partner that you will be setting a perimeter on incidents, then do so.
Try to avoid incidents where you might not be able to set perimeters and would have to investigate.
5. When charging and transporting suspects never use numbers for laws when talking to a suspect or supervisor, rather let your supervisor who did the hard work tell you the law number, then proceed to read it in front of the suspect and supervisor so you seem like you have an idea on whats going on (you don't).
6. If outside of incidents, go to Bazaar and prior read about illegal transportation in laws then observe if anyone breaks it, then if they do proceed to explain the same way like you would while charging suspects and tell them to store the gun in front of the supervisor (explained above).
7. At the end of patrol mention subtly if this patrol can be written down on your profile, but never use the word observation report, even if they do.

For SO -> Corporal

You can confidently spam perimeter, maybe add in reporting from the perimeter via text based radio saying if anyone is lurking around.

For Corporal -> Sergeant

You will have to change tactics here:

1. Change your in-game last name from Ficklestein to something else, it has run its course and won't prove useful anymore.
2. When on incidents, it might fall on you to investigate a scene. This is not good as you're likely still clueless. Generally, try your best to be busy by collecting statements and proceed to always say loudly that you are writing any statements down in your notepad on your phone but don't actually do it because thats work.
3. If it is a case with bodies or victims, get supervisor busy by getting him to take DNA where possible, but never push or ask him about the DNA from there on, rather make yourself busy as previously stated so that he will be inclined to actually investigate for you.
Demonstrate your leadership by getting a unit via text based radio (Name a unit) telling them to secure an area and a set a perimeter if necessary.
4. When the supervisor starts doing the work he would intend you to do because you influenced him passively to do so, proceed to secure the area and order other officers around to help you do so and/or stay busy by collecting statements.
5. Discuss a case in the car after your supervisor did all the hard work to resolve it, pretending you were involved and knew what was going on.

Congrats, you're now sergeant.
Nice guide though, helpful.