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How does the staff team decide to deny or accept a ban appeal. I made one for a dispute and an apology, so half and half. Because my ban appeal has been sitting for a long time.
[DOUBLEPOST=1470537493,1470537341][/DOUBLEPOST]Crap, can you move this to the non police department?
If you provide valid evidence towards a dispute/put some effort into an Apology, then the staff team will take time to consider it, and eventually unban you or leave you with the ban depending on what you've shown them, and what they've decided in their talk.
If it is a dispute then the staff members should generally have a fast response to it as you might have been wrongfully banned. If it is an apology they do not have to respond fast. They do not have to accept it either. So in conclusion disputes must be dealt with fast but apologies can just stand there for ages.
Be sure to tag the staff member that banned you so they can get an alert about it. Also you cannot have a ban appeal that is a dispute AND an apology at the same time.
If it is a dispute then the staff members should generally have a fast response to it as you might have been wrongfully banned. If it is an apology they do not have to respond fast. They do not have to accept it either. So in conclusion disputes must be dealt with fast but apologies can just stand there for ages.
Be sure to tag the staff member that banned you so they can get an alert about it. Also you cannot have a ban appeal that is a dispute AND an apology at the same time.

What Lelios said.

Apology: The staff member who banned you decides whetever you put enough effort into your apology to lower the length of the ban or to unban you completly. It's all up to his discretion.

Dispute: If provided with enough evidence and given some arguments on possibly why the ban is invalid it will be gone trough in a discussion with 2 or 3 other staff members on the TeamSpeak server, thoroughly investigating it. If it's invalid, you will be unbaned, if it's deemed valid you will not be unbanned.

Some of us take their time. Make sure to tag the staff member in an appeal so he will receive an alert as soon as you make the thread (don't edit it later, he will not receive an alert that way) and follow the template and give us some good points, evidence and arguments or a sincere apology depending on the appeal type. Oh, and to other staff members reading this, watch the forum and you'll receive an alert whenever an appeal is made to make sure that you can do them as soon as you have time

Remember, we're busy all the time with reports or other IRL stuff. Give us some time and your appeal will be dealt with ASAP, begging in the shoutbox or making multiple appeals like some people did won't help and will most likely just end up with a shoutbox ban if you continue to do so, in extreme cases possibly a forum ban.
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