Questions about corporal obligations and rank requirements


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I'm considering applying for corporal in the future.
I'm about to have less free time, so I'd like to know about the obligations of the rank:
  • How many hours do they have to be on-duty monthly?
  • Do they have to write observation reports? (How many?)
  • Any other obligation?
Also, I remember there was a document that outlined the requirements for each rank. I can't find it on Can someone send me the link?

You only need to write two ORs a month no other obligations afaik.
As a Corporal you are expected to:
- Do 2 Observation reports a month.
- Take initiative as a leader in game.
- Try and resolve supervisor sits if you are alone, but the most you can do is observation and making a complaint.
Thanks for all the answers and the link, all clear now!
2 30min - 1hr patrols a month is nothing
Debatable. I dislike being told to do something like that to maintain a virtual “job” position, especially if I already don’t have a lot of free time, and I’m already doing everything else required of the rank. Haven’t done any for like 2-3 years before I went down to SO.
Based on my experience theres a hidden number of hours you need in a row before you can even get corporal despite there being no mandated number for it. So if you havent had 3-4 months of 30 or so hours a month they'll likely fail you in the final review.
Based on my experience theres a hidden number of hours you need in a row before you can even get corporal despite there being no mandated number for it. So if you havent had 3-4 months of 30 or so hours a month they'll likely fail you in the final review.
This is simply not true, while we do take activity into account there is no 'hidden number' and it is on case by case situation