Police Suggestion Taser whitelist: replace rank requirement with a separate application.

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Brief description of idea:

We currently have a taser whitelist rank, which is completely useless due to tasers being given to senior officers. This suggestion is to:
- Bring back taser whitelist for the whole PD, allowing officers of ANY rank to gain access to a taser on the terms that they pass a short test.
- Removing the Taser rank requirement in place of an application process.

Further details about the taser whitelist:
- Officers should apply to become taser whitelisted on PLPD.online
- Officers of any rank fill out a stage 1 multiple choice question sheet that is automated in the same way RTU and Ranks are. These will feature multiple choice questions regarding the taser.
- Stage 2 will be a short written examination comprised of 4 scenarios where tasers are used. these can either be marked by operations services trainers, or otherwise possibly some new division.
- No practical stages should be hosted for taser whitelists, the application should be written only.

Taser whitelist could also be made a requirement for applying for supervisory positions.

Other possibilities such as allowing the taser whitelist to extend to on duty secret service agents should also be considered.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Taser misuse:
Daily it’s seen by many officers misusing the taser, from simple incidents where non compliant suspects were tasered unnecessarily to officers blatantly tasing others for fun, be it civilians or other cops.
- Removes the rank requirement for tasers:
Limiting tasers to senior officers led to a lot of uproar, and in some cases led to officers gunning people down after being attacked in protest of the taser being removed. This new system will allow officers to utilise tasers regardless of rank granted that they demonstrate they understand its use.
- Makes the taser a responsibility:
Players are significantly less likely to fuck around with a taser if they had to apply to use it.
- It’s not far off from what we currently have:
You could argue “why should I apply for a taser? That’s too much work for a game man!” When with this current system, you’re already applying to be in the position to use a taser, this process speeds up the process to gaining access to one, and allows people who don’t necessarily care about progression to utilise a taser.
Rumours of other non lethal taser equipment being added to PERP in the near future means this could well become very relevant.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- Allocating training staff for this new system (can be averted by restricting marking responsibilities to existing operations services personnel)

Other additions:
I support this suggestion.

I definitely agree that anyone regardless of their rank, if they are deemed competent enough, should be given access to a taser - this includes normal Officers who have not progressed into Senior Officer yet. The use of a taser has its own nuances, some of which are more implicit in comparison to the traditional sidearms. This would also make it far easier to track and manage who has a taser whitelist removed and does not have to necessarily lead to a rank demotion or suspension.
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