Radio Channels. New/Fix please

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Manchester, England
Topic: Radio channels

Short explanation (in notes):
- We need it changed
- Top 40 is wank
- Dance Pop is aids

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Basically, change the Dance Pop, because its aids and now Top 40 is becoming aids. Only Hip Hop is decent now. Fix pls

Optional additions:
- More Radios

Note: Sorry if this is a cancer post, I am tired
40's-60's era music including another station dedicated to 60's-70's rock classics like The Beach Boys, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, etc.
To anyone that possibly wants a radio station added/removed, and this goes for all future ideas regarding this type of thing...
  1. We do not record which stations are picked by players, so we have no idea as to which the "unpopular" ones are. We would need to make a poll to ask which player's listen to the most.
  2. If you want a station added: find on whatever host it is, a streaming file with a ".pls" extension. Typically you can find this under the "Listen with WinAmp" if it is supported. If it does not have a .pls we can not use it. I will not locate this for you on their site, it is up to you to include.
  3. Don't suggest generic stations, like "We need a techno radio station", please give a direct link to a station.
  4. We are trying to not overcrowd the number of stations to select from with the radio wheel design so we would need to keep under a certain limit.
  5. We do not monitor stations to check if they are currently still active/running. So if one is reliably offline: first check with other players, then if it seems 90% of players agree that it does not work, feel free to suggest removal.
There may be other rules that I'm forgetting at the moment, but please keep those in mind. So for this idea #1, #2, and possibly #4 apply. For now please correct #1 and #2.

@DilanTheSkrub has also made a suggestion for three new radio stations, including .pls files, found here.
The current radio stations cover a wide array of genre of music to satisfy most people at the moment. We cant just "add" more because that leads to the wheel becoming too large, and that'll be a pain to find your station when it's microscopic. To be fair, I think we have enough radio stations at the moment, and I think this is just down to personal preference to be honest. You've got to ask youself, is this really needed? No, it isn't in my opinion. It's a waste of time when the Devs could be focusing on other more important things. But like I said, personal preference.
The current radio stations cover a wide array of genre of music to satisfy most people at the moment. We cant just "add" more because that leads to the wheel becoming too large, and that'll be a pain to find your station when it's microscopic. To be fair, I think we have enough radio stations at the moment, and I think this is just down to personal preference to be honest. You've got to ask youself, is this really needed? No, it isn't in my opinion. It's a waste of time when the Devs could be focusing on other more important things. But like I said, personal preference.
its not a waste of time for the devs, it doesn't take long for them to add a radio station aslong as you hand them the .pls file like Stephen asked everyone to.

Now in the end Adrish those radio channels you listed are some of the channels that I hear frequently being on, I do not see a reason for them to be removed
As this was the topic when Riekelt started the Paralake FM, people got to vote on channels and what channel that should be replaced. Just because you dont like certain radio channels dosen't mean that they should be removed. Find a "better" .pls file for that genre and/or do a strawpoll to see what people think about it. They way you did the post is aids. Sorry, But I agree, some channels should change or might even be removed.
I miss Christmas Classics, we should have someone host something like that for the whole year round, just like they do ParalakeFM but in this case Christmas Classics, this would fix your issue as everyone loves Christmas classics.
Just because you don't like the music, there are still people here that do like the current ones.
I don't like the new age music that are released here in 2010's, I'm still all the way back in 1990's and 2000's.
It's extremely rare I like something from 2010 and up.

Top 40 isn't bad imo, and if you don't like it try listening to the other 12 radio stations.
You also have the option to open the web browser in-game in your steam overlay and put on some music of your choice, I tend to do that and leave it at low volume for when nothing is going on.
Ok, Dance Pop, no longer plays pop music? But it play some sort of music which I have no idea what it is. Listen to it your self. Last night I was listening to Top 40 and for around 2 hours straight, it just turned into Dance Pop. Anyway I just want Dance Pop replaced so it plays decent pop music, and if the same thing happens with Top 40 that will be good as well.
Specific Radio can be changed aswell. They used to play good music but they simply don't exist anymore. They closed the radio as of 1st of January this year so it's no use having it.

Donj't believe me? Check their website:
Only if we had spotify radio channels to choose from. Just enter the Artist name - and it plays their songs.
I remember when the radio stations just used to be advertising sky 24/7 :booty:

As already stated Xq isn't going to go searching for these stations, if you want a pop or reggae or whatever then you need to give him the .pls file and make sure you have support for it.
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