
Reaction score
United States
So i've been wondering and thinking, whats the best weapon for this catagory? so, here's a poll to find out.

Here is the entire list of all weapons:
  • Pistols
  1. Beretta M9
  2. Suppressed Beretta M9
  3. M1911
  4. Glock 20
  5. Desert Eagle
  6. Ots 33
  • Shotguns
  1. Remington 870
  2. Benelli
  • Sub Machine Guns
  1. Mac 11
  2. MP5
  • Assault Rifles
  1. Ak47
  2. Famas
  3. G3A3
  4. M14
  5. M16
  6. M4A1
  7. Sako
  8. SG550

Please rate your favorite weapons in the comments from your favorite to least favorite and say why!
1. M1911 - very nice and lovely
2. Suppressed Beretta - Not sure why, but it's so much better than the normal M9.
3. Desert Eagle - powerful but ammo is shit.
4. Glock 20 - it's ok.
5. Beretta M9 - cheap but I despise it.
6. OTs-33 - Who the fuck even uses this?

1. Remington 870 - it's beautiful in every single way.
2. Benelli - It's alright but it's never been good for me.

1. MP5 - While I despise it, it's still better than the...
2. MAC-11 - This is just dreadful in every way.

Assault Rifles:
1. AK47 - Glorious.
2. Sako - Similar to the AK but more accurate. Love it.
Joint 3rd. SG550 & M16 - Very nice semi automatic rifles with good accuracy, never used on burst fire though.
4. Famas - Never really used it or liked it for that matter.
5. M4A1 - Hate this gun, it's awful at long range and just generally terrible from my experience.

Overall favourite:

Overall most disliked:
Best pistol as a cop is the glock, makes me feel like an actual police officer!

Best rifle is Ak obviously.
Pistols: Obviously the Deagle, 10/10
Shotguns: The remington. 8/10
SMG: MP5A5. 10/10
Assault rifles: AK-47. 9/11
Snipers: Barret m82. 10/10
This is my opinion the best guns, and my ratings.
M9 or how I call it the mate
ARs (not action requests assault rifles)
My favourites are:
M1911 (best cop gun too)
I have Three Favourites, In order from Best to Not best:

M1911: Vastly superior in every way to everything, ever.
Beretta 92: It is cheap, easy, and relatively pretty to look at.
Sako-95: I have never had a bad experience when wielding one of these, never.
The one and only...

Guns are silly.
If you are a silly soul then come to ALDI for all-new lead scented stimpacks. They're sure to heal you up while still feeling in the state of a bullet through your testicle.
Here are some results of my community poll that was burried long ago https://perpheads.com/threads/perpheads-community-poll.5449/



Personal choice for sidearm: Suppressed M9 for sneaky, Deagle for powerful one clicks.

Personal choice for primary: M16A2 for long range engagements, FAMAS for CQB and spray n' pray while ducking, the FAMAS got minimal recoil at with a mad as fuck fire rate, deadly when shot while crouching.

Definetely the Suppressed Beretta M9, I've killed a lot of people with it, and useful for mugging.


You can never underestimate the Remington 870 in close quarters. Take the correct aim and you'll take them down with one click.

Sub Machine Guns

Not the fan of SMG's, but I would have to go with the MP5. Much better accuracy than the mac 11 in my opinion.

Assault Rifles

Would have to go with the AK47 in defense and offense. This weapon is a beast.
Next would be the Sako. It's really powerful and useful for surprise attacks.
M24 for close, medium and long-distance. Surpasses Desert Eagle in close distance, as proven by @MrAaron. With this, you'll never need a weapon of any other type. No more pistols, assault rifles, grenades, etc.

All counter-arguments will be ignored. M24 above all

More proof:
Last edited:
  • Pistols
  1. Suppressed Beretta M9
  2. M1911
  3. Desert Eagle
  • Shotguns
  1. Remington 870
  • Sub Machine Guns
  • Assault Rifles
  1. Ak47

  2. G3A3

  3. Sako