Suggestion Title: Real Estate Agent Job
Suggestion Description: This suggestion would add a new job, Real Estate Agent (REA). It's kind of a creative writing exercise more than anything, I will be happy if someone at least finds it amusing to entertain the idea.
This would be a VIP job. Both because it would need physgun and also some experience with the game and the rules.
- To lease property to others
- They can buy ONE property for 10% of the bank price, but they cannot use it for themselves or friends only (explained further below)
- They have free access to a storage full of furniture items for as long as they hold the job. Likewise, they can add alarms (if requested) and free fire extinguishers that cannot be used outside the property. Extra requiring too much work would be that only rented properties can make use of a CCTV camera outside the building, freely accessible by the tenants.
- They gain extra income by being inside property they're going to rent. This is supposed to be time spent furnishing, attending tenants' requests and conducting property visits.
- They have their own Advert Channel, which can only be used for Real Estate offers.
- Once they have readied up their property, they MUST conduct fair visits to the apartment. They may schedule public visits through the Ad, and any and all interested civilians may attend to assess the property
- Visits will last 10 minutes, after which anyone still in the property can offer a Rent amount through a menu, in an Auction-style UI in case prospective tenants want to one-up each other. This will essentially establish the contract.
Players will have incentive to lease property from REAs rather than buy from the bank because (1) it will be way cheaper and (2) they will have access to already-furnished property.
Essentially, property from REAs is rented, meaning nothing is paid upfront except 1000$ deposit to prevent abuse of renting and quickly cutting off a lease. The deposit is automatically gained back if (1) the tenant holds the apartment for at least 1 hour, or (2) the REA disconnects without a 1-hour end-of-lease warning. If the REA disconnects before the hour elapses, the tenant becomes the owner of the property as if it had been done through the bank. Abuse to avoid Bank costs will be punishable by Rules.
After establishing the lease contract, the tenants must pay the agreed upon rent every 20 minutes to the REA, which will be the REA's income on top of their passive salary. Rent cannot be paid upfront, after the 20 minutes have passed the tenant has a 10 minute timer to make the only valid payment.
If the tenant fails to pay after 30 minutes, the REA can send an Eviction Notice indicating to vacate the premises within 15 more minutes. If the tenant fails to do so, the REA may ask the police to forcefully evict any occupants for Trespassing.
Therefore, RAE's activities after they've successfully leased a property is:
- Responding to tenant requests (e.g., moving furniture)
- Collecting and reminding to collect rent, contacting the police when Eviction Notices need to be enforced
- something else idk
- Two maximum, and only two apartments of the same area may be owned by REAs (only two regals apartments if there's two REAs, only two slums apts, or only two hicktown trailers...)
Why should this be added?:
- New job
What negatives could this have?:
- None