The Red Wings is an organisation which provide help from one another, we stick together like family and we share our winnings. We do our best on not to get arrested by the police and we also do our very best on trying to make money, we're polite to other people but if anyone does try to mess with us, that would be the type of mistake you wouldn't want to make again, it will involve some serious blood.
1. Do NOT disrespect your organization member.
2. Do NOT try to get yourself into a mess which involves you being arrested.
3. Help your organization member when they may need it the most.
4. Use common sense and stay smart, think twice before you do it.
Founder: Karl Anderson
Co-Founder: Dylan Davis
Now.. if you're interested on joining us, please fill in this application.
Full Name:
How much money do you have currently?
Do you own a vehicle?
What type of person are you?