Refund Request | 10 Wooden Fences, 1 Small Wooden Fence

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
staff making a refund request how awkward
Your in-game name: Kenneth Walker

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34016459

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I made my props available for a small event this night, set up by @MattIsMadForCod. I placed down 14 wooden fences, 2 small ones (Note that I did not drop them for @MattIsMadForCod or @MrAaron to pick them up, the "ownership" of the props were still on me). After the event was over, I couldn't find my rest of the fences, only the 4 big one's I had placed down on the ground to build the required event section and a 1 small fence.

After disconnecting and reconnecting few hours later (sleep, obviously), I visited the storage to find out that I only had 4 wooden fences and 1 small one left in my storage.

Evidence: None - @MattIsMadForCod (And most likely @MrAaron) can vouch for me that I placed down wooden fences to help with the building of the event.

Tick: -
Refund request accepted,

Please use the /report function with a link to this request when in-game to retrieve your refund.
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