Refund Request, freeze causes me to crash my vehicle.

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Your in-game name:

Zack Robbertson

Steam ID:

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
Whilst test driving the car of my dreams down the road, my game freezes whilst I was pressing the 'W' key to accellerate. When freezes occur, the last button pressed and held until the freeze stops. This caused my amazing car to accelerate when my game was frozen straight into a wall causing me to lose around $40,000 and a gun.

Unfortunately, I do not know how to prove freezing during a demo- you would just need to assume that I would not waste $60,000 by driving full speed into a wall which could even get me banned. Whilst flaming in OOC chat about the freezing, many say it is due to map loading which I find really irritating.

Youtube video:

A demo will be provided if necessary.


Additional Notes:
Not sure if the lag in the video is due to my computer or if it is showing an exact replica of how it actually happened. The video shows almost exactly what I seen during the crash.

Thankyou for reading, please consider this.
Sorry mac, you will only be refunded if the problem was server sided not client sided.

Sucks, but that's how it is.
These types of situations are very tricky, there is a plethora of reasons for stutters like this to occur on the server the most common being
  • A demo stopping/starting - Technically Server side lag
  • Rendering the map and/or vehicles - Technically Client Side lag
For the simple reason of upholding the circumstances in which we provide refunds this will be Denied
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