Refund Request (gus)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: gus
Your Roleplay Name: Polat Vurmaz
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158636408

Reason for Request: I Lost my weapon because, we raided an farm it was perfect but when we opened the door we saw that the door was propblocked. It was the backdoor at farm, whatever afterwards my friend opened the back big door at farm and it was propblocked too! But we managed to pass it by jumping through it. Afterwards we tried to enter the side room at farm but it was propblocked again!! Afterwards my friend saw an pink mercedes (i think the 90k car) coming towards the farm, my friend gunpointed him told him to stop but he didnt stop and he tried getting away with his car, we shot him and broke his car. We gunpointed him and told him to get out but he didnt get out! And afterwards he sent an 911 report and cops came! We did an fight with police, me and my friend lost the fight. So i got revived and they sent me to jail. Please do something about this problem!

Requested Items: 1xIMI Deagle 1xZip Ties

Evidence Type: Action Request
Evidence Link:
Its my friends POV
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