Refund Request, test drive crash with a Nobel.

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Reaction score

Your in-game name:

Zack Robberts

Steam ID:

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
During a test drive with a rather expensive car, the Noble M600, an officer came around the corner and drove relatively fast into my vehicle on the other side of the road. When I returned to the car dealer to give back the test drive vehicle, this caused me to lose around $50,000.

Youtube video:
(A demo will be provided if completely necessary).


Additional Notes:
  1. I did not catch this officers name otherwise I would have reported him.
  2. People ask how I get decent quality videos for free, use 'Open Broadcast Software', it is like FRAPS but better and free.
Thankyou for reading,
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I would say that this should be an in-character matter for you to ask the officer to give you the money back. However I also feel as if he didn't cohere to the laws (and some rules) as officers should do so.
When I bought my lam I and drove around, some traffic officer nob drove on the wrong side of the highway, and I got my car fixed by an admin. I see no reason why you shouldn't receive a refund for this.
I lost somewhere around 25K the other day when test driving a Ferrari 512 TR because of a firetruck that stood still in the middle of the highway, but cba to make a RR really. Anyways, you deserve your refund mate, the guy did drive on the wrong side of the road.
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