Remaking original trilogy: who would you cast

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The CEO of Disney has just chosen you to pick a cast, all expense paid, to remake the original trilogy Star Wars movies. Despite any objections you might have morally, you feel compelled to undertake this cast, as you will be receiving 100 Billion dollars for it, and you’ll get a 10% cut of all movie and merch sales.

Who are you casting?

Luke Skywalker: Sebastian Stan
Han Solo: Chris Pratt or Alden Ehenrich
Leia: Haley Lu Richardson, Emma Watson or Kiera Knightley
Chewbacca: Joonas Suotamo
Obi Wan: Ewan McGregor
Darth Vader: Hayden Christiansen
Emperor Palpetine: Ian McDiarmid (again, and always)
C3P0: Chris Bartlett
R2-D2: Robot
Lando Clarissan: Donald Glover
Moff Tarkin: Wayne Pygram
Yoda: CGI with original Voice lines
Boba Fett: Temuera Morrison
Wicket: Warwick Davis (he was the original actor)

Bonus points for specifying what you’re also changing.

Luke Skywalker:
Han Solo:
Obi Wan:
Darth Vader:
Emperor Palpetine:
Lando Clarissan:
Moff Tarkin:
Boba Fett:
Luke Skywalker: me ofc
Han Solo: warick davis
Leia: zenyeda spiderlady innit
Chewbacca: mum
Obi Wan: grandad
Darth Vader: ryan golsing
Emperor Palpetine:
C3P0: chatgpt
R2-D2: chat gpt
Lando Clarissan: who ????
Moff Tarkin: Who!?!?!?
Yoda: samuel L jackosn mate
Boba Fett: the mandoloran duuhh
Others: jaja binks = bob marley

just a joke, i dont want some the big bang theory sheldon cooper level nerd screaming at me
Luke Skywalker: me ofc
Han Solo: warick davis
Leia: zenyeda spiderlady innit
Chewbacca: mum
Obi Wan: grandad
Darth Vader: ryan golsing
Emperor Palpetine:
C3P0: chatgpt
R2-D2: chat gpt
Lando Clarissan: who ????
Moff Tarkin: Who!?!?!?
Yoda: samuel L jackosn mate
Boba Fett: the mandoloran duuhh
Others: jaja binks = bob marley

just a joke, i dont want some big bang level nerd screaming at me, kinda shity that disney is remaking them conisdering most dons are dead or 105 years old
you just want to kiss the spiderman lady
Luke Skywalker: Dwayne The Rock Johnson with a wig
Han Solo: Vin Diesel
Leia: Barack Obama
Chewbacca: The little guy from game of thrones
Obi Wan: Ewan McGreggor
Darth Vader: Stephen Hawking
Emperor Palpetine: Ian McDiarmid
C3P0: Emma Watson
R2-D2: my toaster
Lando Clarissan: Harrison Ford
Moff Tarkin: Joe Biden
Yoda: A frog
Boba Fett: Temura Morrison