remember ironsight or scoped view for ACOG sight

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Description of the idea: remember ironsight or scoped view for ACOG sight

Why should this be added? (pros): unholstering your weapon resets the setting of the ACOG sights, meaning if you set it to the iron sight, pull up somewhere and come out your car, it resets to scoped view.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
not really any tbh

*Other additions:

obvious bump, but here is the first constructive reply on why this is needed asap after using the back up sights on the acog for a while:

1. tfu just die when you jump out the range rover and someone engages you in sudden close quarter combat via vehicle
2. it's annoying that it's not saved
3. #1 again but this time if you're civilian
4. would use it more if it would actually remember my position
5. improves rp
There have been many a time I’ve been domed by @Husky because I’ve suddenly scoped in a 50x magnification. Not that it wouldn’t have happened anyway.

Also, what about being able to select a default setting of in/out like fire mode, wouldn’t have to raise your gun or scope in to change it.
It'd be insanely more useful if we could remove our sights from guns.
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