Remington 870 recoil and accuracy.

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Description of the idea:
Give the Remington 870 slightly more recoil, and significantly more recoil and higher spread whilst moving and / or hipfiring.

Currently as it stands, all you need to do with a Remington 870 is run up to your enemy and left click them.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- No more shotgun lasers

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- mUh pD vIcToRy​
The Remington 870 has to be chambered (pumped) every shot with it, it makes no sense to raise the recoil when the person aiming has to reset their shot every single bullet.
This would be the case if you had to leave aim down sight mode in order to pump the shotgun as is the case in other games, but not this one.
Dude, it's going to end up killing the gun entirely, was it not already murdered a year back by Tiny?

This is going to end up like the tec-9 real fast, a feared gun and in two nerfs its a dog toy for retards like @Dom_
I think increasing recoil will do nothing.

The shotgun is a one shot to the chest anyway, what is increasing recoil going to do?
Currently as it stands, all you need to do with a Remington 870 is run up to your enemy and left click them.
Yes, that's just what guns do. Same result can be achieved by any other gun if you know how to use it. Shotguns used to be way more broken, nerfed to oblivion and back.

Are cops abusing it so bad that it needs a nerf or is it also fucking over cops with armor? I don't play so pls update me.
As Jack said, at times it can be really overpowered and be really good, other times it can be a ppk but in shotgun form, I have no clue why... If anything increase accuracy and increase recoil a tad bit not significantly...
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