Removal of the "democratic" government of Paralake

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Topic: Remove the the democratic elections and have the mayor instead elected by the 5 highest ranking members of the Police force.

Short explanation (in notes):
-The vote for the mayor is removed and people do not vote for their government.
-The 5 highest ranking members of the PD will choose the new mayor instead
-These would be based upon the new white-listed ranks for people.
-This person could be removed from power by the council of 5 with good reason.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
It seems that though very often mayors don't care about whats the best for the city or just don't make the decisions that are in the best interest of the city. The cycles of mayor is pretty bad usually it starts with the mayor raising the slots to the absolute maximum and lowering taxes to 0 until the city runs out of cash or he gets bored, at this point he raises taxes to 50% and lowers wages to the minimum or lowers slots to nearly nothing and causes riots and sometimes even terrorist attacks. This usually ends in his death and leading to another election causing further instability in the city without a mayor until the next election. So if instead the mayor was selected by a group of 5 this person would be usually more competent as he'd have to be chosen by the people who are "OOCly" binded to always do whats right for the city who also have more experience then the average player.

TL:DR no votes by random people = more stability and more competent mayors.

Optional additions:
-If a full out military coup is to much then give the "council of 5" the power to remove a person from power but only with good reason. IE: Causing a lot of instability by raising taxes to 50% for no reason or lowering police slots to the minimum because "FuCK DA POLICE BLACK LIVES MATTER" this system however keeps the standard "democratic" elections.

Better than having someone clueless as mayor with no political experience.

+plus support
As a fairly high ranking popo I disagree with this.
Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the world's first organised constabulary (London's Metropolitan Police, now the world's shittest) had 10 so called principles of policing.
One of which is
"The police should always direct their actions toward their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary by avenging individuals or the state."
The police should always be an impartial and fair organisation that should have no sway over governance of a state other than in times of emergency.
So rather than letting everyone have an equal chance of getting voted as mayor, you want to give that privilege to just 5 people? The whole point of being mayor is to try and please everyone, even if that is 70 people at a time, not just 5.

Instability, shit and good mayors is all part of the job. Otherwise it would be a crap job if someone just sits in their office doing nothing. It's fun to max out the taxes, and flee to wood cabins for your life. We're not a military junta.

Leave dictatorships to the professionals @Trande :trande:
Pretty sure this is how civil wars start soo I suggest no, let the people decide, after all we're a democracy.
The whole point to have a governing body for the people is actually have it selected by the people.
Being elected by the general public also means you are accountable to said public.
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