Mayoral Election Changes

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Remove the menu that appears when a mayoral election begins.

Add a new option to the Nexus NPC that allows players to cast their vote; when the option is clicked, a menu should be opened listing the mayoral candidate's names.

Make it so that a vote only ends after 10 minutes have passed since the election process began; even if every user has voted, the vote should remain open for the remainder of the 10 minutes.

When there are enough candidates, a broadcast from 'City Hall' should automatically be created that states "/broadcastA Mayoral Election has started; there are # candidates. The voting period will end in 10 minutes - the candidate with the highest amount of votes will be elected as the new Mayor. In the event of 2 or more candidates receiving an equal amount of votes, a new election will begin, involving only those respective candidates."

This message would probably have to be broken-up into 2 smaller messages. Also, new functionality will have to be added for ties (the event of 2 or more candidates receiving an equal amount of votes).

After the 10 minutes have passed, and a new mayor ahs been elected, a broadcast from 'City Hall' should automatically be created that states "/broadcastThe Mayoral Election has ended, PLAYER NAME has been elected as the new Mayor. # votes were cast in total, and PLAYER NAME won the election with # votes."

It should be considered having another option with the NPC that allows players to view statistics, ie: the total amount of votes each candidate received.

After the 10 minutes has ended, the candidate who won, before they are elected as the new Mayor, should have to go to the NPC and accept the position; this will mean that if a candidate dies and/or gets imprisoned by the Police, they should be automatically removed from the vote. The winning candidate should be given 5 minutes to accept their position as the new Mayor before it is forfeited.


Increased realism.

Will prevent mayoral elections from affecting players by way of opening a menu on their screen.

Will help to make the mayoral election process more fair.

Will help to make sure that only those who care about the election actually vote.

Will increase the importance of City Hall, and for the security of City Hall, in the new map; with this in mind, ideally a voting area should be created.

This will mean that the candidates should remain at City Hall as they otherwise risk being targeted by terrorists (criminals who commit crime for political motivation). The Police should have an increased presence in and around City Hall during the time of the election, for this reason.

The candidates who do remain at City Hall will have the opportunity to speak with potential voters before they cast their vote.

Will prevent players from becoming the Mayor while they are in a middle of an RP situation, and potentially while committing a crime and/or using a firearm.
Very nice suggestion and the pros are a lot, I support this.

And by the way, as I was reading it the first thing came to my head was this situation: A crew takes over the government by putting one mayor candidate into the vote and not letting anyone inside the city hall for 10 minutes so they can't vote. And they start a hitler leading style government. Lol, I guess I was looking for the potential cons :p
I want this to be added too. Like jack said i'm drivnig around and it pops up. Then i'm dead.
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