Police Suggestion Remove a police vehicle, if it is not being used for certain time.

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Suggestion Title: Remove a police vehicle, if it is not being used for certain time.
Suggestion Description: Its rather common that police spawn a vehicle or even abandon in the streets (usually after their death) in order to patrol with their friends superiors. I propose a similar system as it exists with barricades. 15 minutes similar for barricades sounds reasonable.

Why should this be added?:
- Bigger chance for a person without a VIP spawning a pd vehicle
- Police vehicles being left for 30minutes+ at a random parking lot

What negatives could this have?:
- none, the officer in question could simply choose to keep the vehicle

What problem would this suggestion solve?: People blocking others from spawning police cruisers. Less clutter from pd cars being all over the place.
This would be great for police cars that are abandoned in middle of the road. Just like barricades, they should despawn after a certain amount of time. This would cause less headache for me when it comes to dealing with them!
Suggestion Title: Remove a police vehicle, if it is not being used for certain time.
Suggestion Description: Its rather common that police spawn a vehicle or even abandon in the streets (usually after their death) in order to patrol with their friends superiors. I propose a similar system as it exists with barricades. 15 minutes similar for barricades sounds reasonable.

Why should this be added?:
- Bigger chance for a person without a VIP spawning a pd vehicle
- Police vehicles being left for 30minutes+ at a random parking lot

What negatives could this have?:
- none, the officer in question could simply choose to keep the vehicle

What problem would this suggestion solve?: People blocking others from spawning police cruisers. Less clutter from pd cars being all over the place.
+1 I like the idea of this and only because whenever a non vip attempts to spawn in a car it is like to fail due to being max vehicles in the police job which makes it unfair on the user which cannot spawn in a vehicle. In this case why I am greatful for recieving this suggestion so that other users do their jobs and not lie around afk or carelessly doesn't use it and just so they can only avoid the actual job and do it for the sweet money they are recieving.
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This would be a lot better because a lot of the time I end up hitting an abandoned car or barricade because they were left
I think allowing any officer to drive a vehicle belonging to a dead officer would help fix this issue.
I think its fine now with Supervisors having keys to all cars, it could however be lowered to Corporals
I think its fine now with Supervisors having keys to all cars, it could however be lowered to Corporals
Think cpls should be aloud also think you should be able to impound them aswell only if traffic were aloud to clamp them
Bring back the ability for SGTs+ that can revoke cars.
This is a great fix to be honest. This feature existed for that reason, It was removed because it was misused. We are no longer in any position where having to remove Sergeants for misuse would be that obstructive however as theres a queue of viable candidates always now.
+1 I was a cop main when first unbanned and didn't buy premium, was impossible for me to spawn a car lol
I'd like to do this in the future. Not the specific implementation suggested here, but something to help reduce the number of abandoned cruisers.
Uhh, No. its bad enough when the PD is high on patrol officers and thus auto merges units to same callsigns. then you end up with no car when there is a call you must go to or you are trying to transport a suspect. having it auto despawn will only make this worse. however this may be better if the officer has died then despawn it when they respawn. but then that can cause issues in shootings by just randomly removing the cars wich are sometimes vital as cover