Server Suggestion Remove fireaxe damage

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Suggestion Title: Remove fireaxe damage
Suggestion Description: Remove the fire axe damage from the firefighter. What is its actual purpose other than a means of mining considering they also have to behave under 3.4 and stay away from situations such as shootouts. If we're aiming for realism, we must also give the road crew wrench blunt damage.

Why should this be added?:
- QoL
- No more firefighter minging

What negatives could this have?:
- None that I've thought

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Eliminating a mildly common occurrence
For the sake of continuity it should stay, it’s already basically just a weak baseball bat and it’s saved me several times as a fireman from naughty sweaters.

Having something like this for the sake of integrity and discipline is fundamental to the serious RP environment, the amount of times people would jokingly swing an axe at someone as if they were killing them just for it to not be taken seriously as an assault hampered roleplay.

Firemen looking to kill someone would instead just smash a fire truck into them instead, most the time if a fireman attacks an armed man with an axe for no reason, any other weapon would quickly stop the fireman. With vehicles it would take a rifle to successfully stop it quick enough to prevent damage.

Removing this as a feature isn’t going to stop people from attempting to misuse the firefighter job to kill players, when smashing a vehicle into players is obviously going to do the job better. I would rather firefighters axe be realistic in all senses than it just be a battering ram reskin running off of different variables.
Isn't the main purpose of the fire axe to enable ff to enter properties that are locked and on fire? If so, and the fire axe is a concern, couldn't FF just be given a battering ram instead and not lose any means to access locked properties? I agree rogue firefighters running about and attacking people is unfortunately common. Alternatively as a nice middle ground, couldn't the fire axe be locked until later in the FF ranks? That would stop new players from having access to it and likely mean that the only people with them, are those that aren't abusing it.

Suggestion Title: Firefighter tool, instead of a fire axe
Suggestion Description: So loads of people are angry because of the fact that firefighters have axes, it deals damage and can be used to murder people, finish off suspects and more, the tool is called a halligan bar.

Why should this be added?:
- Less minges.
- No firefighters finishing off suspects.
- Firefighters not having a murder weapon in theyre hands at all time.

What negatives could this have?:
- Modelling time.
- Coding the tool to function properly.
- Animating it ( But honestly, crowbar animation would work with this tool xd )

What problem would this suggestion solve?: No minges, no fireaxe abuse and much more

Useful Images:
Sorry but firemen without Axes is like a bus without tires, it’s still a bus but it just doesn’t work.

To reiterate my point on the other suggestion, taking away the axe would just make firemen resort to smashing cars into crowds instead, a far more effective way of mass killing.

Why take away server content because someone’s using it to RDM? They can do the same as a civ with a bat with better results, there’s so much more ways to do this, patching out an ineffective method of RDM because it’s preferred doesn’t fix the wider issue.
This isn't about realism--Perpheads isn't a simulation game. This is about whether or not it's enjoyable. And having sharp tools can feel good, plus the axe creates funny situations from time to time.

While uncommon, it still is an easy way to ruin someone's play session. Or waste their time. And some players don't know or care about the consequences. So here are a couple of options that don't involve removing the feature:

To make killing harder to exploit as a griefing method:

- Lower the damage for junior firefighters, same way new players take a long time to kill someone by punching. Only/especially when the other player is peaceful.

To make dealing with them easier in-character:

- Make firefighters automatically press their panic button when they make someone bleed with their axe.
- Make it so that DNA caused by axes can be uploaded, so Police can investigate the crimes.
- Allow any officer to cuff junior firefighters (not just corporals+).
- Increase demote time exponentially for being arrested on a job in short succession.
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This isn't about realism--Perpheads isn't a simulation game. This is about whether or not it's enjoyable. And having saving sharp tools can feel good, plus the axe creates funny situations from time to time.

While uncommon, it still is an easy way to ruin someone's play session. Or waste their time. And some players don't know or care about the consequences. So here are a couple of options that don't involve removing the feature:

To make killing harder to exploit as a griefing method:

- Lower the damage for junior firefighters, same way new players take a long time to kill someone by punching. Only/especially when the other player is peaceful.

To make dealing with them easier in-character:

- Make firefighters automatically press their panic button when they make someone bleed with their axe.
- Make it so that DNA caused by axes can be uploaded, even if it was a firefighter who did, so Police can investigate the crimes.
- Allow any officer to cuff junior firefighters (not just corporals+).
I like this way more
This isn't about realism--Perpheads isn't a simulation game. This is about whether or not it's enjoyable. And having sharp tools can feel good, plus the axe creates funny situations from time to time.
Well I enjoyed having my quickscope AS50 but oh well! Judging by your statement we need more chaotic madness

- Lower the damage for junior firefighters, same way new players take a long time to kill someone by punching. Only/especially when the other player is peaceful.
This could just resolve it

- Make firefighters automatically press their panic button when they make someone bleed with their axe.
Will probably cause more issues

- Make it so that DNA caused by axes can be uploaded, so Police can investigate the crimes.
I believe this is already a thing
Well I enjoyed having my quickscope AS50 but oh well! Judging by your statement we need more chaotic madness
The point is it's a game. We need funny moments, but also balance. Otherwise it just feels dull and repetitive. As big of a nuissance player coming on PERP to just kill are, they do create random events.

Will probably cause more issues
Would it really though? It will alert officers that a fire axe has been used by a firefighter. It prevents the firefighter from killing someone without a life alert and just getting away with it. This way it would warrant a police response.

I believe this is already a thing
It's not. Government jobs' DNA does not get uploaded. You can scan it, but unless you copy the name, it does not go into the police computer.
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