Remove Intersection Overpass

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Suggestion Title: Remove Intersection Overpass
Suggestion Description: Remove the footbridge that people call "overpass" that crosses Intersection. This would make the Regals bridge and Underpass the only options left for crossing Intersection.

Why should this be added?:
+ Underpass is critically underused and has potential for a lot of powerful roleplay. I remember when you could set up a mugging trap, sell food and leaves, and do all sorts of shit in underpass simply because it was so high traffic.
+ Removes redundant overpass (lame) (eyesore)
+ idk just sounds like a decent idea why not

What negatives could this have?:
- People will get mugged the same amount just possibly in a more common position.
what’s the point though, there are market stands 20 seconds away and could serve the same purpose, as you could sell leaves and other products there. i get creating an underground criminalrp would be cool but i don’t see a use when you’ve got market stands right next to your proposed RP ideas and already serve the same purpose
The whole reason why we have a overpass and underpass is to prevent people running over the highway as in earlier versions people weren't aware of a passage way leading under the highway. It drastically reduced highway runners and also prevented people from being forced into the underpass only to end up getting mugged (this was also before Regal's overpass was a thing) so you were basically forced to route through it in order to claim your car in the shortest route.
A massive issue with Paralake is traversing the map safely on foot takes absolutely ages whilst traversing it in even a slow car takes around a minute or two. This would only further escalate the issue.
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A massive issue with Paralake is traversing the map safely on foot takes absolutely ages whilst traversing it in even a slow car takes around a minute or two. This would only further escalate the issue.
Also if u want to use monorail you need to make long distance to if (city hall-city garage monorail;storage-subs monorail; car docks- buisness monorail)
shiiit you may as well take my bad suggestion medal bud

but fr though just no this will make highway runners SO common

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