Map Suggestion Highway changes

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Subs On-Ramp Refinement
Main Idea: Straighten the suburbs on-ramp towards intersection by cutting back the model itself, having two models separate for both the road surface and the barriers, or some otherdevelopment/mapping voodoo/trickery. This alwo allows for the ramp gradient to be shallower.

Full description of the idea: As seen in the image to the right, edit the highway turn model to allow for the barrier to be cut back and accomodate the on-ramp to meet it at a flush angle rather than curve around awkwardly and more importantly dangerously (creates a blind spot and place for traffic conflict).

Why should it be added?: To make the route safer, use fewer brushes, less imposing on the nearby suburbs, and allow for the ramp to be shallower so lower-powered vehicles can access it.

- As stated above, conveniency, safety, simplicity, and efficiency.
- Vehicles get stuck on the ramp less.

Requires modelling.

Park-Church Underpass​

Main Idea: Add an underpass footpath (not road) between the City Park and the Suburbs Church.park_path_1.jpg

Full description of the idea: As seen in the image to the right, add some detail to the displacement at park (and a few lamps) towards the highway, create a cutting beneath the road that ends at church, and follow through with more lights. Area would be called 'Church Underpass' similar to the 'Belmont Underpass'. Possibility for a new DD location here as well.

Why should it be added?: There are far too few pedestrian connections between districts that are easy to access, with the only other one being via an overpass and regals. This would encourage use of the park and provide interesting new opportunities for navigating the map.

- A fresh change to the layout of the map.
- Better pedestrian support. Paralake is a nature-centric city, makes sense it'd have some public footpaths connecting the district to a central park.
- Encourages use of the desolate city park.

- Possible alternate route to escape/flank Suburbs.
- Possible mugging hotspot, but such is present with the belmont underpass as well.

Add median to highway bend model
Main Idea: Add a concrete median as seen in other parts of the highway to the highway bend.

Full description of the idea: Add a concrete median as seen in other parts of the highway to the highway bend model, instead of simply having double yellow lines.

Why should it be added?: The highway bend is where most head-on collisions occur, as the turn is the most precarious part of highway driving in Paralake. This addition would reduce those head-on collisions, be it from losing attention, poor driving, or loading the city/suburbs to practically 0.

- Safety first.

Requires modelling.

Remove these horrible jut-outs and speed limit signs at Parker Tunnel.
Main Idea: Remove the strange 'supports' and signs on road-level that pose an unnecessary risk to drivers in the Parker Tunnel. Supplement having 'TURN - 55 MPH' signs with simply setting the speed limit by the signs already present before and after the tunnel, making them redundant.

Why should it be added?: It is extremely dangerous and unnecessary to have car-wrecking obstructions in the roadway without some sort of barrier. The signs are also unnecessary as they are made obselete by the signs at the front and back.

- Safety first.
- Makes sense.

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I like ur first idea but I think the bend rail should not be removed fully simply will cause way too many more accidents just like in real life you want a part of flowing in

The second seems nice but only from bank side please so not the whole park will have to be demolished for it

Third one is a no go for me, especially as it will create a lot more speeding vehicles into the bends as well as 0 evasion at all as you will be forced to drive into spikes at all times

Fourth one I get how annoying they are but realistically your tunnel must also get support, tbh it sounds like most issues is just the lack of driving ability for drivers and they just want to be wallhugging every second.

Your ideas are sure well meant but tbh I find that driving in the current state should still be a bit difficult just like in real life that you can crash if you dont pay attention not braindead driving around city as well as with your suggestion 3 you give a shit ton more advantage to cops as now only thing they have to do is put you on a highway and you are done for.

So for suggestion 1 & 2 I would say great

Suggestion 3 & 4 is a no go for me
The second seems nice but only from bank side please so not the whole park will have to be demolished for it
What do you mean by this? Why would the whole park have to be demolished for an additional path to be added to it?

I like ur first idea but I think the bend rail should not be removed fully simply will cause way too many more accidents just like in real life you want a part of flowing in
Traffic will still flow, being that it does not have a strange and dangerous bend around the corner and no longer has a blind spot that actually prevents you from easily viewing oncoming traffic it appears more realistic than our current configuration, not to mention that it will make getting onto the highway easier.

Third one is a no go for me, especially as it will create a lot more speeding vehicles into the bends as well as 0 evasion at all as you will be forced to drive into spikes at all times
Alright, but the benefits of such a median would outweigh the consequences, in my opinion, and this could be easily fixed with a compromise: that is to add emergency mountable areas in the straight highway's median for police (and criminal) use.

Fourth one I get how annoying they are but realistically your tunnel must also get support, tbh it sounds like most issues is just the lack of driving ability for drivers and they just want to be wallhugging every second.

These are not supports, hence the "", but seemingly useless jut-outs that serve to block the carriageway and pose a dangerous risk to drivers. They are far too small and do not appear to be load-bearing, and I do not know why they are there, to be honest. There is a reason that in high-speed tunnels in real life, any obstructions that could potentially destroy your vehicle and kill you are segregated from the carriageway.

Look at the image to the right. Do you see any signs physically planted on the road, or a random stack of bricks sticking out into traffic?
What you seem to have drawn is 2 lines from left of bank and right of garage (so around), I would rather to preserve the space of the park a bit to only one road from bank to ur tunnel

Your current setups will create more accidents, nowhere at all on a highway you will find a 90 degrees angle on a highway entry as you want flow and not intersections.

It absolutely doesnt outweigh the risks, You will get many more speeders benderfending the concrete. Cops wont have a way to get off the highway and return on the wrong way of on/offramps, also just google highway bend and see 95% of all bends have yellow lines, this is done for many reasons including less accidents, turning angle of vehicles (See here for google pictures)

I dont know if you notice but I am seeing 2 massive sticking out concrete parts, I would love to see parkertunnel revamped to have space for such a walking area but I don't think the devs want to spend that time as the current one is sufficient. Also this makes you keep your eye on driving instead of driving braindead, if you realistically would drive into a wall you would damage your vehicle and having to pay for it. Here it isnt the case and it really is to prevent people from hugging the walls 24/7 I have never seen anyone drive into it because they steer too far to the left while being in the middle, it is always people who already were hugging the walls
the church-park road is an excellent idea

i disagree with your interpretation of the sliproad design, i would imagine the straightaway is there so that you can build up enough speed to merge onto the highway safely after getting over the hill
The proposed highway changes are now redundant due to other changes made in v6. Very exciting wooo

Parker tunnel was completely remade and most signs are placed nicely close to the ceiling.
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