Removing light gear?

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What would you guys think if the light gear was completely removed, maybe SO+ officers having access to SMGs couple of shotguns without TFU, etc at cost of armour or other nerfs. but also using the policy of having to keep their guns tucked away in the trunk unless responding to shots fired or hostage sits, I guess TFU whitelist heavy gear would still have their use with heavy rifles and heavy armour. I also thought about the idea people with TFU can gear up behind the range rover during situations but can't resupply so you still keep some mobility and don't keep resupplying...

Now, this ain't an "OH MY GOD BUFF COP BRO CIV HAVE AK IDIOT" thread it's all about just discussing what'd happen if and what would most of the people think... In some states, officers have gun racks in their Explorers Tahoes, Vics or just keep guns in their trunk in general which they only bring out in life-threatening sits and I was only wondering if there are any plans for changes or if anyone has a better idea on this topic I'd love to hear it because I feel like I couldn't express what I was trying to point out really good or the idea might be a too cop-sided which I wouldn't want at all and I'm just trying to like get a proper idea up to before I try to make a suggestion so just like let us brainstorm.

Some media for you guys:
Light TFU gear is fine as is imo and removing it is unnecessary and would annoy me as we pushed for light gear to be a thing from 2017 to 2019 as it was promised to us but not delivered.
I see how it is do you intend or plan on changing any TFU gears or like make any additions? just wondering that's all
Personally, I don't see the need to equip officers (or senior officers and above) with better guns. In a lot of shootouts, the win rate between the police and the criminals is already 50-50 so I don't think that it is necessary to give the police another advantage. In most cases, there is enough TFU in service to help the 'normal' officers with the situation.
I just wish TFU trained officers were basically 'always' light gear and could take out whatever light TFU weapons there are as normal cop, and be able to drive normal cars. Then just gear into heavy when needed. This would mean I am not forced to drive the shit range rover everywhere if I want to be light TFU, I can still enjoy the porsche.
Personally, I disagree with this idea to an extent. I'd be all for this idea if it was Sergeants that had access to an SMG or the M16 without needing the TFU whitelist although then it makes TFU sort of redundant.
While I don't feel normal officers need SMG's I believe giving Corporals + access to the M16 as an AR-15 replacement which is commonly seen in police departments nowadays would be beneficial. On top of that light gear serves no purpose aside from hindering the PLPD's ability to respond to shootouts effectively, heavy TFU should be able to patrol with no restrictions, seeing as the PLPD is already at a massive disadvantage wherever they go.
TFU do not need traffic vehicles to perform TFU duties, nor patrol vehicles. The TFU rover is already perfect for getting onto certain roofs or elevated positions, and it also can act as an elevated shooting platform on its own. Furthermore, it’s heavy giving it great tactical contact.

The reason TFU is not a primary division is obvious, this Would not only turn TFU into more of a commitment as you’re sacrificing your position within general police work, but there simply isn’t enough usages or deployments for TFU that would justify making it a primary division people give up their position in patrol / traffic to join.

Also, I don’t think being stuck with the Range Rover is going to be much of a problem for TFU soon!
it's all about just discussing what'd happen if and what would most of the people think.
We'd have to ensure that the transportation policy is enforced more strictly. You almost always see an Officer with a Remington on their back because "they forgot to store it".

Sgt should be able to handle this kind of thing due to their larger experience I'd say, don't see why Cpl should get them as of now. Make it something to work towards for.

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