Reset hunger levels upon death

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Damascus, Syria
Description of the idea: Resetting hunger levels when your player passes away.

Why should this be added?

  • More realism.
  • Less burgers consumed, healthier citizens.
  • Look forward to death when you're starving and have no burgers on you.

What negatives could this have?

  • People breaking 3.4 in order to reset their hunger levels
  • I forgot to add a poll

Btw you use this reddit looking thing to vote now (I couldn't find an add poll option like I used to unless I'm blind)

MoRe rEaLisM????? How????????? I don’t think babies are born with full stomachs.
MoRe rEaLisM????? How????????? I don’t think babies are born with full stomachs.
hello again friend, this following quote is from a verified web article:

"Babies aren't born hungry. They're born with an instinct to want to suckle. If they didn't, their mother would make no milk and they will starve."

I will now adjust the suggestion accordingly.
hello again friend, this following quote is from a verified web article:

"Babies aren't born hungry. They're born with an instinct to want to suckle. If they didn't, their mother would make no milk and they will starve."

I will now adjust the suggestion accordingly.
+support adds functionality to female player models
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