Resignation and Goodbye

Reaction score
Zagreb, Croatia
I lost interest in perp a while ago and didnt come on, really. It doesnt have that cool "every day is a new adventure" feeling anymore as I have reached bedrock of things I can do. I roleplayed basically anything that can be roleplayed and now Im bored of perp and cba to join the server.

Thus I will be resigning from my position as Corporal. I would like to thank @Jordan and @Medulla for making the PD what it is now. The first thing I did when I joined the server was becomming a cop and it was kind of a mess to be honest.
Thanks @Super_ and @atomic_wizard for being friendly and good to me to a lot of other members. @Josef Stalin my og niqqa I will remember the times we powergrew in wood cabin 2 and shit our pants whenever someone ate and didnt announce it. Thanks @Sam , @The HitMan , @THE SPOOK. , @TobyMoney. And @Logan Finch for being friendly to me.
Fucking @Col. Collier because he's a right wing dingus like me and because we are good friends xd

I'm signing out.

I will probably come back after the update but maybe not idk xdxd.
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sad to hear, I felt the same once but soon got back to it, maybe one day when you rejoin you can get Sgt. :) always a good friend, anyways we will keep in touch on steam maybe play arma and stuff time to time.
You not down for pirate ship wars anymore?:( best of luck in whatever you do pal, hopefully we'll see you back soon.
Sad you leave PERP but i kinda get it. It is not as it use to be back in the days also you where a good officer in my point of view
Hope you will come back soon.