Resignation - Deputy Chief of Department Samuel
It's not been long since I got promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief of Department, but unfortunately due to several unfortunate events happening I feel forced to resign, as I refuse to be the guy that keeps a rank while doing basically nothing. And in the end, anyone who holds a position should also have the time to actively go on the server. Which I do not at this current time.During my short tenure as Deputy Chief of Department, I have shined a light on several issues within the department. For example, the PD has been paying out administrative bonuses to people that haven't done the job they are expected to do, I also shined a light on the very long demotion process for inactive Corporals and Sergeants. These are two subjects the Senior Management Team is currently looking into, and they are very high on the agenda!
I really believe that credit should be given where credit is due. And it's something the Department as a whole is pretty bad at. So I'll take the first step! The following people have either helped me or showed extreme leadership and/or integrity during my short term as DCOD.
- @AnEmma
- Pushing me to try to make changes to the PD, Finding issues/abuse in the administrative bonus system, and the way we deal with inactive officers.
- @Mim
- Being a good Commanding Officer who actually puts his heart into the work. And has the highest level of professionalism and integrity at all times.
- @A1L
- Running an excellent Internal Affairs unit that handles complaints in both a good and fast way.
- @Tyla Jai
- For always making policing interesting for everyone on the server, and coming up with good and productive ideas to improve the Department as a whole.
As always I have songs to share!
The Senior Management Team will continue with the mission to improve the PD. And they will do great!
My final act as Deputy Chief will be to execute Written Order 1337. This order removes several people from the rank of Staff Sergeant and puts a ban in place to stop any future misuse of the rank.
Order 1337
Written Order #1337 Paralake Police Department DOCUMENT CONTROL Title Written Order #1337 Date approved for release 2021-05-01 Approved by Deputy Chief of Department Samuel Supersedes N/A Date of last amendment 2021-05-01 By the authority vested in me as Deputy Chief...
My resignation will be processed momentarily.
Best Regards,
Deputy Chief of Department