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My resolution seems to big for my screen and its not my native resolution, little details are missed off from the screen such as I cant see the microphone which appears when you are talking in game and I cant see things in the corners such as taxes etc, does anyone know a fix to that here are my video settings:

Also when I change resolution to different one it gives me black bars that might help with finding the solution :/
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Change your screen res, I had the same problem that fixed it for me. @Bolli had suggested me that, long time ago.
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Here's how I did it:
  • Right click on desktop
  • Nvidia Control Pannel
  • Adjust desktop size and positioning
  • Change scaling mode from aspect to full screen

This would be so helpful but I have AMD for some reason and it dosen't look the same at all
This can be done trough windows by going to your settings -> System> Monitor and setting the resolution to your monitor
missed off from the screen such as I cant see the microphone which appears when you are talking in game and I cant see things in the corners such as taxes etc

Altough possible usually when your PC sets your resolution to high, which litteraly can only happen with wrong drivers really or if you're using vga(lol) make sure your monitor/tv is set to 'fit' the input to the monitor, and not to stretch or anything

also what are all the resolutions you can set gmod too? your default res is usually set to recommended

amd software is cancer anyways only install the drivers without the rest of the bullshit
Maximum my gmod goes to is 1080 x 1920 and I can't find the fit input on my monitor any hints to where I could find it?
PC monitors dont usually have these options, the ones that have them always default to fitting the input, so that should be fine. this generally only counts if you're using a TV as a monitor, but check your monitors menu anyways.

Can you set it to 1920x1080 and see the results then? The outcome of that will really narrow down what you will have to do.
Its already set to 1920 x 1080 and this is the result which is the original state in the thread

You absolutely sure? because your screenshots say otherwise.

Anyway, can you send a screenshot of what to you looks weird, as like you said things going out of screen? If i look at your older screenshots which are all 1080P all information is displayed on the screen like it should.

Screenshots are showing things I'm not seeing then because in the queue server the money and stuff I can only so Oney: $5000 I dont know how to show you because the resolution on steam is showing just fine :/ ahhhh If I set it to 1920 x 1080 it looks normal and fine and runs just fine I just don't want to play in the resolution the 1280 x 720 looks streched and bigger player models so I like to play that

Wait, if you set the gmod resolution to 1980x1080 which is your native resolution its fine, but you're wondering why setting it lower than your native causes problems?????

If you really want this, lower your OS resolution to 1280x720 which will probably resolve your issue but you're litteraly the first person i have met in my entire life who prefers a lower resolution because it looks better. Eh, whatever floats your boat.

if you dont want to do this hassle everytime try enabling GPU scaling in the CCC to see if it helps.
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