return of the friendless squeaker

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DRILLA what you tellin me bro

hey idk if any of you guys remember me but i was one of the OG squeakers way back in the day n thought i'd give this another try. my voice did a complete 180 and now i don't sound like a castrato on helium, so if i recognise you n start chattin to you in game i promise it's not cap. unless it's the dementia kicking in i probably did actually fw you at some point.


shoutouts to creepis, trande, tyla, aquaa, chris (sorry for bein a dickhead to ya mang), that really scary english hitman dude w the voice who got away with literally everything (think his name started w an L or something), chopper n all the other random americans on this server - fuckin allem man this was acc a pretty leng place. hope to seeya round if you're still alive - you can have all my money.
Preciate the shoutout, welcome back to the community!

Your forum name is familiar to me, but I went through your posts trying to see your IC name and it didn’t ring a bell. I’d appreciate if you could jog my memory a bit! :)
memphis rap is goated for sounding like anime villain music AND for the fucking sick deepfried album covers. love sorle love

icl aquaa just think of the most cringe ic name you can remember and that was probably me. i can't even remember but i'll shout you in game. you're a fuckin capital G.
You're like a dad who finally returned from the gas station to get some milk jfc welcome back dude. Next time I see you, you will get violently slapped for leaving us like that and not telling anyone.

I'm sure no one even remembers your squeaky ass voice (including me) so that's a good thing.
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warning for all u battyman