Revamp of the SS - Suggestion

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Georgia, United States of America
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Main Idea:
Secret Service will be changed in the following ways:
  1. Secret Service (SS) will receive a Glock 17 upon joining SS
  2. The Secret Service armory will be as follows: Glock 17, Sig Sauer P229, Beretta.
  3. SS will receive a single, black Escalade with emergency lights.
  4. SS will receive a radio with the same animation as SWAT (touching hand to ear) and their own private channel, not able to link to the PD's voice radio. Their text based radio will still be linked to the police.
  5. SS members will automatically be given a black suit and sun glasses as a uniform when joining SS.
  6. Add a rule saying: "SS may use emergency lights when transporting the mayor for safety and warning but may not break traffic laws unless the mayor's life is in danger."
  7. Raise SS slots to a max of 4.

Full description of the idea:
  • The SS will at first get a Glock 17 when joining, this is a more usual weapon for secret service in real life. Their armory will also consist of the following: Glock 17, Sig Sauer P229, Beretta.
  • SS will get a black Escalade that will replace the currently outdated limo. This Escalade will have emergency lights and be armored.
  • The SS will use emergency lights when they are transporting the mayor point to point, such as from the City Hall to the Bazaar, or when the mayor's life is in danger. (The rule stated in #6 will be added as well).
  • SS will get a voice radio that has the same animation the SWAT one does, basically touching their hand to their ear. This won't be linked to the Police radios but their text based radios will work just as they always have.
  • SS members will get a black suit and sun glasses when they join the job. This makes the SS look more professional and uniform, quiet a force to be reckoned with.

Why should it be added?:
This will make the SS an important job and most of all a much more fun job. This will also make them more realistic and more effective in their duties.
The revamp listed above will, as is explained in the name, will completely change the way SS is played and make the game just that much more enjoyable.
I also cannot express HOW IMPORTANT it is for the Emergency Lighting System to be added for SS. It has so many advantages over the old system, especially per that fact that it is more realistic and enjoyable, but also because it elevates the status of the mayor. The mayor is also in constant danger with how the game mechanics are set up, because of this I think it is a necessary addon and essential to the success of this update.

Better connects the SS.
Makes it easier for SS to get around, especially in extreme circumstances.
More uniform and professional.
The emergency lights with point to point transport would make the job much more fun (like how the SS transports the president).
With a more professional SS the mayor's job will be a lot more fun and he will be seen as a real leader, not just another Joe.

Possible abuse of the emergency lights (as is with PD).
SS may annoy other SS with overuse of the radio.
ADDON: SS would be less secretive with the uniforms.



/\/\ NOTICE how the SS does not break traffic laws and drives slowly even though the ELS are on.
I've been SS for some time now along with @Puma123 (mayor) @Hazza56 and @TheFrozenMonkeyKing. The amount of times we've said that the Limosine is doggo shit is incredible, it has slow acceleration, gets stuck on the worst possible spots and has a dreadful max speed of 50MPH along with a huge turning circle, it looks bad and even the missing textures for it back then looked better than the shiny paint job it has right now. I'd be all in for an Escalade. An alternative would be a Chrysler 300C which has pretty good looks, even unmarked.

Just adjust the speed for both of them, not too fast but also not too slow. A better armory selection would also be great, the M1911 is not the best due to it's low capazity, the Glock 18C being a spray and pray weapon which could potentially harm civilians nearby (if any) and the USP really being the only best option here. As for voice radio/communication, this would also be really helpful for a lot of things, not just escorts but also the guardance of an area e.g. city hall.

Just don't add this :trande:
Personally I'd prefer equipping the SS with some form of sub-machine gun such as the MP5 (with a retracting stock), UMP-45, IMI-Uzi or something along those lines.
For the suits, I would just change the player model to Gman and change the body group so he doesn't wield a briefcase.
The current uniform for SS allows them to blend in with a new uniform this would be very hard.

The limo is one of the oldest vehicles along with the ambulance so yes it looks horrible. A new vehicle would really help blending in as there are several known escalades driving around even the police has them.

This revamp is needed in my opinion but I do worry that these changes will make it easier to identify SS.
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