Roadcrew on Duty

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Hello people

Today (or rather, yesterday), I decided I wanted to record various events that would happen while I spent a few hours on duty as Roadcrew, and eventually turn those clips into a full video.
Thankfully, so much shit happens every day on PERP, especially when you're a roadcrew worker, so I quickly got a lot of clips. A bunch were used for a certain part in the video (1:30), but some stood out more than the rest, and got dedicated larger portions of the video.

I also wanted to make this video because I felt like a large majority of the media made around PERP is just shooting montages, which gets boring very quickly, so I chose to make something different.

I hope you guys like it. It's the first time I've properly worked with this program, and it's definitely been a while since I last did any editing. You might've seen the clip I posted in the shoutbox yesterday of a game called Dauntless that I had edited, which was basically a test-run to see if I could even figure this program out.

Thanks to @blackdown @Tyla Jai and @A1L for giving me their opinion on the video during its making. I would've probably stopped working on it much earlier if other people thought it wasn't good, but thankfully that wasn't the case.

I've seen so many people get angry at Niko for taking their car it's actually hilarious. Great video you should make these alot more often! :oldman: :oldman: :woot:
I'd like to make more, though I can't say how far it'll be between each one. I'd have to make sure that every video isn't the same, so I gotta see if I can find fresh ideas so they don't eventually turn stale. Though it's hard to "direct" a video like this, given the chaotic nature of PERP after all. Nothing ever goes according to plan.
Actually one of the first perp related videos i've seen in a while that I actually liked to watch. Good job!

make more!
If anyone's got ideas either for a new video or certain things to include in a video, feel free to message me!
This video was focused on just a day as a roadcrew worker, so perhaps an idea could be to do the same for the other jobs, or other aspects of PERP. Don't expect me to be making shooting montages though, I think we have quite enough of those already.

I just want to avoid doing the same thing over and over again, so all ideas are appreciated. You can either contact me on steam ( ), or by sending me a forum PM.

Thanks for all your positive feedback so far, and thanks in advance for all your ideas.
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Please give me more ideas for videos, then! Can't just make 10 RC videos in a row after all