Roadcrew Workers' Union

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Roadcrew Workers' Union
Representing hard-working tow truck drivers all over Paralake

The Roadcrew Workers' Union is an organization made to achieve certain goals, including improving the safety standards, attaining better wages and benefits, and improving working conditions for Roadcrew Workers in Paralake City. Most of our staff are made up of workplace volunteers that have been appointed their position in democratic elections.
It is our duty to bargain with the employers on behalf of our union members and negotiate labour contracts. This includes negotiation of wages, work rules, occupational health and safety standards, complaint procedures, just cause conditions for termination, and employment benefits.

Union Staff

Union Foreman

Dontrall Caldwell

Union Treasurer

Union Secretary
Artur Sgot

Union Representatives

Contact us
Have any problems with your employer as a Roadcrew Worker, or any other complaints? Contact one of our Union Representatives above, or text #794-3067 and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

All Union Representatives are expected to follow the law at all times. Frequent background checks will be performed with the cooperation of the Paralake Police Department. Minor infractions like parking tickets and jaywalking are typically ignored, but criminal records with one or more felonies will result in immediate termination.

This post is incomplete and will be edited in the near future.

Note: This is a strictly role-play organization. If you want to powergrow, please look somewhere else. It is my intent to use this organization to hold meetings to discuss possible changes for the Roadcrew job that will be presented to staff or the PLPD
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Dear Niko,

I hereby authorise you with the power I hold as a Sergeant in the Paralake Police Department within the Elite Road Traffic Unit, permanent authorisation to impound vehicles illegally parked as long as you provide us with the location, vehicle make and model, and registration plate and hereby trust you to have suitable discretion in deciding whether the impound is appropriate.

Kind regards,

Tyla Jai
Sergeant of Road Traffic Unit
Head of TPAC
Hi Niko, does this union protect against staff? I have been meaning to hire a union for a long time as my ban record will show I've been unfairly treated several times
It depends! We can assist you in case the unfair treatment is related to being a Roadcrew Worker!
say perhaps, I accidently run over the whole PD due to frustrations of the job, can I get your best rep to protect me against this? Just looking at the possiblities!
This is something that we could try to bring up, however, we do acknowledge that some roadcrew workers are bad apples, and it is necessary for the Paralake Police Department to be able to apprehend those bad apples in case they do something illegal. As such, I'd say you should not have your hopes up!
@Niko Surely this is something the union can provide for me? Its not my fault so many people park illegally!! I'll pay the best money
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