rob stores

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Main Idea: The ability to rob stores owned by NPCs

Full description of the idea: You would go to the NPC, press E on him while holding out a pistol. If it would be a melee, there would be a lesser chance of the NPC giving it to you (A bit excessive, but in addition to this the NPC could refuse and pull out a shotgun from under the counter and shoot once at the robber. The animation would be lenghty one, but it would be something players would learn when trying to rob with a knife. The NPC would not shoot the robber if they would've ran out the shop before they pull out the gun).
Before you're almost done (5-10s) police will be alerted to a silent alarm. When the officers speak to the NPC, they would get a message of what you were wearing (just read off the database what the person is wearing, maybe color the words in the same color code as the player's coresponding clothing).
The items that a player would be able to rob would depend on the type of store. At Fredy's you would be able to get money and maybe a rare food item (maybe a pretzel?). At Jeniffers you could get all types of rings and jewelry. At ragnatech maybe a GPU or computer parts. At Uncle Cos maybe a drill and other tools (these would kind of be the story how the DD gets them). You get the point. These things would not require modelling.
Afterwards you would bring these items to the drug dealer, who would value them. Depending on your previous transactions with such items, the price would rise for a limited amount of time as long as you keep him supplied.

So everything briefly, how the scenario would look like:
You arrive at the shop and if you hold your gun out and speak to the NPC, the NPC will get a timer (countdown) on their head until they will be ready to hand over the items
During this time the player is not allowed to leave the proximity of the shop NPC. (If the player eaves the proximity, the shop NPC will inform police)
5-20s (Let it be random and lower amount for business due to officer presence) before the end of the shop robbery the NPC will inform police.
After you're done with the robbery in case you survive or don't get arrested, you bring the items to the DD - he pays you. In the case of receiving money, it would be placed into your inv like bank money. After that you would need to wait 10min until you could click on the money and it would be transfered and added onto your pocket money.
The max. shops you could raid per 1h (or more) would be 1 - otherwise 30players spread across 1h can already because 30 of these incidents. 10 is already a lot.

Why should it be added?: Right now the server lacks some stuff to do. Currently as a criminal what you can really make money off is drugs and bank raid and mugging. (Maybe I forgot to list something)

Another way to make money
Another way to roleplay
More stuff happening for police officers
Makes the server more fun and it's one more thing to do when you're bored.

It will definitely take some time to code and implement.
NPCs are not interactable to the point you could take them hostage or kill them.
me annoying @Tilin to translate this into English everyone can understand.
People will start massive shootouts over store robberies

Other additions: Thanks @Tilin
I would definitely like to see this as long as entire orgs don’t rob one store so payout should be generally small yet rewarding if only a few people rob it
hasn't this been suggested like 200 times? and couldn't ppl abuse it late at night when no cops are on
Did someone give u that to copy and paste because all of a sudden you can spell
hasn't this been suggested like 200 times? and couldn't ppl abuse it late at night when no cops are on

You could apply the same PD to Robber system from the Bank onto the Gas station robberies.
I like the idea but you need to make it so people dont rob stores 24/7, make it like high risk medium reward so you dont see shootout all the time near stores
This would be great to see as it will make more things do and it would be more realistic. Like everyone said make it low reward if loads of people do it but make it a big reward if only like 2-4 people robed it.
More reason to start shootouts, probably the last thing we need nowadays with how much people complain about people baiting shootouts already. Rob bank -> shoot cops -> Warranted -> shoot some more cops -> Raid some guy -> shoot more cops -> rob a store -> shoot more cops and then the cycle repeats


black screen simulator for cops is all i see
I would like to see more places like the bank that people can rob, the issue with this could be that new players who are minding their business get caught up in a situation that they didn't want to be part of. I do see some positives to this, but we'd have to have a long think about if this is the best option.
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