Suggestion Title: Adding personality to the shop npc's
Suggestion Description: My suggesting is adding some personality to the shop npc's around Paralake. The idea would be diffrent npc's having diffrent dialogue every 24 hours as an example. (Staffs could maybe apply new ones?)
These dialogues could consist of diffrent stories about the store or the city, jokes (as an example the npc at the tech store could have some awkward computer jokes etc.), and maybe some reffences to stuff that has happend in the past. (this could be about stuff that has happend long ago aswell as maybe the last event that has been hosted by players) This would make it fun for both new and old players.
Maybe talking with some of them could reveal diffrent things? Maybe the storage nps's overheard a secret etc.
This would maybe add some more activity to the stores and make the city seem more "alive" instead of only ordering it.
I will be more than happy to help with any dialouge ideas or quests.
Why should this be added?:
- Adding some more use of the stores instead of only ordering it delivered.
- Could maybe make a few quests which would result in a new experince for older players.
- Would just give the whole city a story.
What negatives could this have?:
- The making of it (coding etc.)
- Some people might find it uninteresting which results in it barely being used.
Suggestion Description: My suggesting is adding some personality to the shop npc's around Paralake. The idea would be diffrent npc's having diffrent dialogue every 24 hours as an example. (Staffs could maybe apply new ones?)
These dialogues could consist of diffrent stories about the store or the city, jokes (as an example the npc at the tech store could have some awkward computer jokes etc.), and maybe some reffences to stuff that has happend in the past. (this could be about stuff that has happend long ago aswell as maybe the last event that has been hosted by players) This would make it fun for both new and old players.
Maybe talking with some of them could reveal diffrent things? Maybe the storage nps's overheard a secret etc.
This would maybe add some more activity to the stores and make the city seem more "alive" instead of only ordering it.
I will be more than happy to help with any dialouge ideas or quests.

Why should this be added?:
- Adding some more use of the stores instead of only ordering it delivered.
- Could maybe make a few quests which would result in a new experince for older players.
- Would just give the whole city a story.
What negatives could this have?:
- The making of it (coding etc.)
- Some people might find it uninteresting which results in it barely being used.