Rogue Car Tyres

Reaction score
@Rogue Car Tyres is an amazing police officer, truly outstanding. Your knowledge of the rules, laws and actual ability to roleplay is outstanding. I saw you in several situations yesterday and you really stood out. It's not often that I do offer praise, I'm actually a bit of a twat but you truly do deserve it.
Keep up with the excellent work and good luck with your Supervisor application. I think you should consider applying for staff some day too.

Well done!
@Rogue Car Tyres is an amazing police officer, truly outstanding. Your knowledge of the rules, laws and actual ability to roleplay is outstanding. I saw you in several situations yesterday and you really stood out. It's not often that I do offer praise, I'm actually a bit of a twat but you truly do deserve it.
Keep up with the excellent work and good luck with your Supervisor application. I think you should consider applying for staff some day too.

Well done!
Aww, das cute. :cat: :smug:
Aw Lewis love is such a nice guy his accent is amazing too, I prefer him roleplaying as a medic since it isn't awkward when you call him and he just stares at you.