Rowan's introduction

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Rowan Black, A lonely welsh, man born in the small city of Newport, Moves to Paralake to start a new life. He was born 1993 by his two welsh parents. His dad a A Business man, who basically runs the maple syrup industry. in slaves Rowan to work for him at the age of 15, as an accountant. this then sends Rowan in to madness. He is then administrated to a mental institute in the centre of hell , Rhyl. At the age of 19, using his knowledge and his welsh wit, he finally escapes the hell to find he has crossed the border to !!! ... England. He must now fight his was though !! England, to get to Heathrow airport and catch a plane to Asia where he meets his Chinese wife, Susan, She is Chinese on her mums side. Him and his wife then fly back to Wales, have 3 children. then the accident happens. One night he went down the pub after a days long hard graft, like any normal day. He then returns to his house burned to a crisp along with his family and his sheep. After the incident, the insurance would not pay all of the money, so he takes what he has and fly to Paralake, the city of dreams, but the only thing he can dream about is his sheep drowning in maple syrup while on fire.
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Actually read the post, this lad's been through a lot.

Susan, She is Chinese on her mums side. Him and his wife then fly back to Wales, have 3 children. then the accident happens. One night he went down the pub after a days long hard graft, like any normal day. He then returns to his house burned to a crisp

Oh my god, @MoronPipllyd This is why she's so pissy at the moment! Her house burned down and her husband left her!!!