RR for Some random glitch.

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United Kingdom
Your in-game name: [DPA] Samsterminator / Sam Ireland

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:23910660

What do you need refunded:
Important to me:
1 OTS-33 Pernach
1 9x18mm Suppressor
1 Pistol Scope

Not so important to me but would still love to get it back:
4 Large Gardening Pots
10 Coca Seeds
10 Weed Seeds

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
Because I was raided which is all fine.. But as I wasn't being gunpointed or was tied up, I thought as I had a OTS-33 and they had what looked like worse pistols, I thought I would try pulling out my gun and shooting them, now I pull out my gun and go to shoot them, and even though i have a full mag loaded in the gun it doesn't shoot, If it had shot I would have been able to shoot the too men and then probably would have had a good chance at killing the other one. But because the gun didn't shoot for what I see as no reason, I was killed and lost the weapon as well as multiple of mine and my friends drugs that where taken. I don't really care about the drugs (although if I could i would love them back) but I would really like my gun back. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


There's no guarantee that you would have survived in shooting the raiders; had you survived it would have been mugged from you anyway, and at 1v4 the odds are stacked against you anyway.
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