Rule Amendments 14/07/2016
Hey guys, I know it's not been long since we had one of these but there are some minor amendments that have been made and I thought I'd just let you all know the changes that have happened. The forum rules page has also been updated and is now functional. Thank you to @Murtsley, @Bean Can, @Chris and @Chrissy for the suggestions.
Server Rules
- 1.3 Slander - Minor correction, 'Ban Requests' replaced with 'Action Requests'
- 3.18 Storages and Trunks - It is now against the rules to detach weapon attachments when your life is in immediate danger with the sole intention of preserving them from loss. For example if you are being shot at and are going to die and you detach your stock so you don't lose it, you will face punishment. However you may still switch out attachments when you're life is in immediate danger if you can prove that your intentions weren't to avoid their loss. For example if you're switching out sights and you die halfway through you will most likely not be punished.
- 3.23 Placing Drugs - It is now not against the rules to transport drugs in the back of a van or pickup truck. (This means that you can put drugs in them solely for transporting, not for permanent growth)
- 4.2 SWAT Officers - Reworded to allow SWAT to conduct simple exercises within the PD that does not involve live ammunition.
- 5.2 Forced Withdrawals - Corrected a clash with the Penal Code, officers are now exempt from this rule (the storage aspect) provided they are operating within the law.
- 2.3 Unnecessary Posting - Further clarification of what is considered unnecessary.