Rule Suggestion (3.8 Elaborate Construction)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.8 Elaborate Construction
Suggestion Description: Changing the rule 3.8 Elaborate construction to include a short few sentences about cluttering bases with stupid amounts of props in order to make the base impossible to navigate upon being bombed.

3.8 Elaborate Construction
Props may not be used to elaborately direct player’s movements. For example, through the creation of a maze. Typically a player’s movement is considered unrestricted if at least two players can fit through the path travelling side by side and they don’t need to jump or crouch in order to travel the path. The construction of any elevated platforms is prohibited in a base defence, in addition players may not build a construction that allows for near one way visibility. Placing props with the intention of making a sizable portion of the base difficult to reasonably navigate on foot in the event of a bomb being used on it is prohibited, This includes lining walls and ceilings with props that otherwise serve no reasonable function.

Why should this be added?:

- Specifies that lining the walls with props such as barricades, placing downwards spotlights, putting shelves and similar props on walls and ceilings is disallowed.
- This is enforced already but not specified within the rule as disallowed.

What negatives could this have?:
- "UnReAlIsTiC tO bOmB bAsE aNyWayZ lEts mAkE iT rEaLiStIC"
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I don't see how this can be reasonably enforced for two reasons:
  1. While some existing rules do have elements of intention, truly ascertaining whether a person intended or considered the amount of props having an adverse affect against bomb raids will be extremely challenging.
  2. A new set of guidance on what could be seen as an excessive amount of props for given property sizes and layouts and in what manner they would be seen as solidifying an intention as above, which muddies waters further and makes an already extremely policed element of gameplay more difficult to navigate.

There are also a number of other factors:
  • I can see instances where there is a genuine and reasonable benefit, bombing notwithstanding, to using props in the manner described (i.e. lining walls).
  • Correct me if I'm wrong but not all physics instances are purely deterministic and slight variances in prop placement et cetera can make an adverse affect for bombers regardless of the original intention or amount of props.
  • As far as the rules and guidance around basing goes, although it has evolved drastically over the last few years I think that most elements you are trying to eliminate with this are already covered.
  • Some of the promoted good base design examples in the handbook, including some of the original ones, inadvertently promote difficult navigation when bombed.

Perhaps it is better to just see it, in the majority of cases, as a potential downside to using bombs in raids.
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