Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

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Suggestion Topic: 5.3 Raiding
Suggestion Description: 5.3 Raiding
Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 2 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than once in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 1 hour after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property. Players who died whilst being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished. Players are only permitted to use 2 bombs per raid, timed or remote. This does not include grenades. Players may only use a party of up to 4 per raid and if one were to die in the raid another player may not come and replace that number.

Players from either group which are involved in the raiding or defending may utilize more numbers than 4 only after the raid is over granted they lived through the raid to hunt down or eliminate any involved parties that may be killed. This does not include going back with more than 4 and acquiring revenge in a second raid attempt or camping the door with the intention of not going inside.

If a neighbouring property assists or attempts to defend a property you are raiding, you may raid the neighbouring property which will be counted as the same raid.

This rule does not apply to players participating in City Hall or PD raids for the purpose of mayoral assassination or breaking players out of jail.

Why should this be added?:
-  Popular and well-established organizations raiding newer organizations would be taken off their high horse and newer organizations would actually have a shot at not being bullied

- Police will have a manageable number of threats to neutralize and this would help balance cops being wiped out so often when they should be hard to win against.

- Players will rely more on their skill and team coordination rather than their army of people and make it more enjoyable and tactical rather than one sided.

- New players and low member groups have a chance at winning the defense.

What negatives could this have?:
- Shootouts may last shorter as people get wiped out quicker if they act foolish.

- Bigger orgs have to minimize their choice in who gets to represent their org in raids and they must choose those who are most skilled to be in the raiding crew.

- Much higher risk to lose for raiders who get outskilled.
This addition would make raiding almost impossible in several situations.

Raiding is already significantly favourable towards defenders, even with our rules their options for defences leave them in a position where any skilled defenders can easily outplay an equivalent number of similarly skilled raiders. If this addition was added, it would leave raiders in a position where zerg organisations were practically invulnerable, even the best group of only 4 raiders are going to struggle when coming up against an office full of fairly skilled defenders.

Raiding would be equally impossible generally during high-population hours; the PD can reach a maximum of 16 slots, which includes 6 TFU if the mayor enables the policy that allows the extra TFU, this would leave raiders equal to or outnumbered by TFU alone, let alone the other 10-12 pistol cops.
This addition would make raiding almost impossible in several situations.

Raiding is already significantly favourable towards defenders, even with our rules their options for defences leave them in a position where any skilled defenders can easily outplay an equivalent number of similarly skilled raiders. If this addition was added, it would leave raiders in a position where zerg organisations were practically invulnerable, even the best group of only 4 raiders are going to struggle when coming up against an office full of fairly skilled defenders.

Raiding would be equally impossible generally during high-population hours; the PD can reach a maximum of 16 slots, which includes 6 TFU if the mayor enables the policy that allows the extra TFU, this would leave raiders equal to or outnumbered by TFU alone, let alone the other 10-12 pistol cops.
Objectively speaking the argument it is unfair since they are outnumbered by police is not a valid one since police should and must always have the upper advantage in numbers yet we find that collectively including all times and not only just high pop you would easily find big groups like ASDA for a great example having like 12 guys on their org with rifles doing one raid and squashing police like it's a fly in bothering them. This is simply a fact we can't ignore if we want things to be fun.

What I truly mean to say is the limitation isn't to ruin raiding for anybody but rather to give the majority of the server's player base a chance at winning instead of being swarmed and bullied by waves of big orgs and their seemingly infinite numbers and to give more power and merit to the police which I have constantly seen get wiped the floor with by big orgs when big orgs raid since sometimes the TFU we need are the very same people on crim raiding or they're offline so police get wiped out quickly since as you said there is 6 TFU with an exception of the mayor benefit vs big orgs who all carry rifles. That should seem a little ridiculous and unhinged to you and worrying a little bit. Since the whole aim of the police is the intimidation factor and the fact they're a formidable opponent we shouldn't let this be the case where they are expected to win with half of them being pistol cops and other half being TFU which even in a perfect world where all 6 are on they could still be at a significant disadvantage.
I don’t like this idea at all considering there are buildings like office Parker Glassco etc that will instantly be rendered useless.

Second point say your org is basing in s2 + s3 that would mean 8 defenders vs 4 raiders instantly giving a disadvantage to any raider.

I think your argument mostly revolves around Asda yet this rule would only increase their defensive capability as in a lot of cases no more then 4 people raid at once anyways
Let's say an organization's peak online count is 10 and they base at Projex. This rule limitize the raiders to 4.

As far as I am aware, defending is already not that hard if you know what you are doing.

I'm not even adding the fact being surrounded by the TFU during the raid.

So why would an attempt of nerf should be done to the attackers in this case?

if you are trying to nerf asda, this won't be enough. make a suggestion to nerf jamie and tinky's damage output to %50 or even less

It’s possible to have 16 cops. It’s possible to have an unlimited amount of defenders. This is not a fair ratio to anyone who wants to raid.