Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

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Suggestion Topic: 5.3 Raiding
Suggestion Description: change 2 times raiding to 3

Why should this be added?:
2 is not much

1. sometime die to wallbang and it count as 1 raid
2. die to cops before opening the door and its count as 1 raid
3.die to counter before the door open or have the gun in ur hand

so if you die for up reasons you have to wait 1h while u lose 1 raid on noting

adding 1 more raid is not going to change much things

What negatives could this have?:
more shootout

people who base might get lot of raids
-1 I dont support this as the server when its populated it actually gets real with shootout quiet frankly everywhere and the police would have a really terrible time,
also I don't want to get raided ever 5 seconds.
-1 I dont support this as the server when its populated it actually gets real with shootout quiet frankly everywhere and the police would have a really terrible time,
also I don't want to get raided ever 5 seconds.
you wont get raided by same people 3 times in row its just different people

base with ur org if u have org
even though i like this where you can raid more it will be more chaotic and this server would be laggy and harder to base when more people target you it would be a bad idea
-1 2 i alot and aloo you are rich so have a break mate
not really much i mean if u raid you will know what i mean most of the time there is 8 cops atlest on dute and 2 tfu

so if you try to raid u might lose
But you can beat 8 cops and 2 tfu i don't see why is just skill issue to me
not all the time i win
most of the time when im on there is 8 cops and 2 tfu at lest so they might be more lets say 2 deffnders

that mean i have to kill 12 to win and its hard

if you think its skill issue then i think you can beat them all by your self
-1 This rule will be abused really hard. So I don't support this
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