Rule Suggestion (5.7 Organization Relationships)

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sneed's feed & seed
Suggestion Topic: 5.7 Organization Relationships
Suggestion Description: As Rule 5.7 currently states, "If you have rival relations with another organisation, you are not permitted to engage in ANY activity with the rival organisation."

I think that this rule is due for a bit of rewording to include specific events that are forbidden (e.g. Bank). If I am fishing at the beach with a rival member, is it considered 5.7?

Why should this be added?:
- This should be added to ensure that there is clarity within the rules. No matter what rule, it should be clear what is going to be enforced and what isn't.

What negatives could this have?:
- There are no cons. This post is being made to encourage discussion surrounding rule 5.7 and how it could be worded better to clarify what is and isn't allowed between rival orginisations.
Maybe this is a rule that could be used for rule of the month, allow staff to educate people on it better as its a somewhat broad rule.
Realistically speaking, you shouldn’t be doing anything with a rival, they’re rivals for a reason. If you’re both fishing at the beach in the same vicinity, thats one thing, but holding hands and being buddy buddy with each other is another.

If I find out you’re fishing with rivals :banghead:
Realistically speaking, you shouldn’t be doing anything with a rival, they’re rivals for a reason. If you’re both fishing at the beach in the same vicinity, thats one thing, but holding hands and being buddy buddy with each other is another.

If I find out you’re fishing with rivals :banghead:
I don't even own a fishing pole :punch:
Realistically speaking, you shouldn’t be doing anything with a rival, they’re rivals for a reason. If you’re both fishing at the beach in the same vicinity, thats one thing, but holding hands and being buddy buddy with each other is another.

If I find out you’re fishing with rivals :banghead:

also I think rivalry can always have exceptions even irl, e.g. if two perp rivals went to raid a different base where the people inside were rivals to both other organisations
I always disagreed with this rule as it's entirely possible to engage in a mutually beneficial activity, such as killing a mayor or a mutual rival, with a rivalling org. Furthermore, raiding with another org in order to have a rivalry removed isn't necessarily possible anymore. The risk of having them backstab you, with enough incentive to make that a reasonable outcome already made this significantly less of an issue than it was ever fronted to be according to the original suggestion for this.

also I think rivalry can always have exceptions even irl, e.g. if two perp rivals went to raid a different base where the people inside were rivals to both other organisations

But the saying is the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Not the enemy of my enemy is my rival

At that point there’s no need to be rivals if you’re going to work together and can tolerate each other to team up against a mutual enemy
This rule is only a problem if large chunks of opposing orgs are working together as rivals, two friends playing together shouldn’t be a problem and I don’t think anyone would punish for something so incredibly minor
But the saying is the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Not the enemy of my enemy is my rival

At that point there’s no need to be rivals if you’re going to work together and can tolerate each other to team up against a mutual enemy
its like two people disagree on one point but agree on another that someone else disagrees with like if teaming up as rivals benefits every person involved then it seems fine
Realistically speaking, you shouldn’t be doing anything with a rival, they’re rivals for a reason. If you’re both fishing at the beach in the same vicinity, thats one thing, but holding hands and being buddy buddy with each other is another.

If I find out you’re fishing with rivals :banghead:

I disagree with disallowing everything in its entirety. For example there might be some people in a rival org that I like and we've known other for so long but this goofy ahh org leader decided that I can't do anything with them because I didn't even make the decision myself to be rivaled with their org and you don't really wan't to leave your own org to look like a org hopper. Very big dilemma for us fishers fishing for a Bugatti :(

5.7 Organisation Relationships​

There are certain restrictions in place when it comes to relationships with organisations.

If you have rival relations with another organisation they are not permitted to co-operate in any criminal activity with the rival organisation. These activities include, but are not limited to:
  • Assisting one another in raids.
  • Basing with one another.
  • Partaking in illegal activities with one another

When you have an alliance or have neutral relations with another organisation, these restrictions are not in place.

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