[RULE SUGGESTION] Running for mayor and how to make it fair

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London, United Kingdom
Hello, everyone.

Recently I've been seeing a lot of dispute over people getting mayor, especially today when Jack Flagg got mayor twice in a row because his organization that he is a part of voted for him twice. I think this is biased and highly unfair to everyone else who runs for mayor. I asked a few people on the server what they thought and they agreed to the most part. So, here's what I think should happen.
  • If you won the previous election, you cannot run for mayor a second time in a row.
  • If you did not win the previous election, you can run for mayor a second time in a row.
  • People should vote on their impression of you, not wholly based on the idea of them being in your organization.
What do you guys think? Leave your impressions of this below and what you'd add/change related to this.
How does one make someone else vote on their impression not by bias? I mean even in real elections people vote for a person they recognize (which is one reason we don't allow RL names or famous characters) so I don't know how it's possible to restrict voting like that. Since it's by popular vote, if someone has friends that make up over 50% of the server, chances are they'll always win elections, unless we made it randomly add some votes for each candidate, but then it isn't much of a democracy. So I'm confused on how you want it to go by that.

As for running twice in a row we could change that, but we'll also have to code in a way to automatically restore someone as mayor, so if they get RDMed, they shouldn't lose their chance to be mayor.
you see the same mayor way too much and most of the time they get killed for a reason..

This would be better as a suggestion since a system would have to be put in place.
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